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zftool.vim : PHP plugin for running ZFTool commands

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created by
David Saenz Tagarro
script type
ZFTool is an utility module for maintaining modular Zend Framework 2
applications. It runs from the command line and can be installed as ZF2 module
or as PHAR

This plugin gives you access to ZFTool features without leaving your favourite


- Vim running inside tmux session
- Installed plugin: 'benmills/vimux'
- Command zf.php available from command line

Check requirements for zf.php at official repository:



Currently you have access to ZFTool features from command line:

:ZFnewProject    - Project creation
:ZFnewModule     - Module creation
:ZFnewController - Controller creation
:ZFnewAction     - Action creation
:ZFrepeat        - Repeat last ZF command run

Every time you run a command values are cached in order to make next command
quickier to run

Grab the latest dev version from github: https://github.com/dsaenztagarro/zftool.vim
install details
Extract the zip file to ~/.vim (or vimfiles on Windows).

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
zftool.zip 0.1.0 2015-06-04 7.0 David Saenz Tagarro Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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