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Indent Detector : detect indent automatically

 script karma  Rating 8/5, Downloaded by 1424  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
luo chen
script type


- detect mixed indent(indent with both spaces and tabs) and echo warnning on `bufEnter` and `bufWrite` automatically.
- switch setting about indenting to fit the current indenting style automatically.
- detecting time is limited, so you don't need to worry about opening huge files.


- the options decided by this plugin are `expandtab` `smarttab` `tabstop` `shiftwidth` `softtabstop`, and is setted via `setlocal`.
- your own setting about indenting is also used as default when the indenting style is not decided. (when you create an empty file or enter a file which occurs no leading spaces or tabs)
- this plugin will do nothing when you open an readonly file (`:echo &readonly` to check that), so that you can open help files without warnning.

Go to [github](https://github.com/luochen1990/indent-detector.vim) for more details.
install details
### via Vundle:

Bundle 'luochen1990/indent-detector.vim'

### manually

put `indentdetector.vim` to directory `~/.vim/plugin` or `vimfiles/plugin`

> remenber to restart your vim after installation


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
indentdetector.vim 0.0.2 2015-06-05 7.3 luo chen fillup: README_cn.md
fix: still set options when 'too many spaces here.'
fix: echom instead of echo to show warnning.
new: check on bufreadpost.
indentdetector.vim 0.0.1 2015-06-05 7.3 luo chen Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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