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asynccompl : A simple asynchronous complete plugin

 script karma  Rating 1/1, Downloaded by 1168  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

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A simple asynchronous complete plugin, it will run simply and silently in background :)

- vim 7.3.196 or later
- +python feature
- +clientserver feature (optional)

* asynccompl only supports ASCII completion of the current buffer currently

* g:asynccompl_autostart_filetype  default: ['all']
    asynccompl will autostart in these filetype, and the 'all' means always start

* g:asynccompl_autostop_filetype   default: []
    asynccompl will stop in these filetype

- If you wish always start asynccompl, just not need to configure.

- If you wish just start asynccompl in c, cpp filetype, just add the follow to your .vimrc
    let g:asynccompl_autostart_filetype = ['c', 'cpp']

- If you wish just stop asynccompl in c, cpp filetype, just add the follow to your .vimrc
    let g:asynccompl_autostop_filetype = ['c', 'cpp']
install details
extract and put all folders and files of asynccompl folder into ~/.vim

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
asynccompl-0.110-build20151101.tar.bz2 0.110 2015-11-01 7.3 fanhe o Fix :bd<CR> and reopen issue
asynccompl-0.100-build20150621.tar.bz2 0.100 2015-06-21 7.3 fanhe Initial upload
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