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complete_email.vim : Allow completion of email addresses

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created by
Martin Tournoij
script type
- Homepage: http://code.arp242.net/complete_email.vim


Allow completion of email addresses so you can use Vim as a basic "address book".

This is useful when you use Vim to compose emails in a program such as mutt. I have the following settings in my muttrc:

set edit_headers = yes          # Edit the headers of your outgoing messages
set autoedit = yes              # Go directly to editor after pressing m

After pressing m I immediately go to Vim, and can fill out the headers myself:

From: Martin Tournoij <martin@arp242.net>

I can then use this plugin to quickly fill in the To:, Cc:, etc. fields.

Basic usage
- Use <C-x><C-m> to complete.
- Use :AddEmailAddress to add a new email address.
- Email addresses are stored in ~/.mutt/address by default. You can configure this by setting g:complete_email_file.

File format
There are 3 fields in the address file. name, email address, and extra info. The extra info is shown preview window. These fields are separated by the 0x1e character. Type <C-v>x1e to insert it.

Other scripts
- mail.tgz: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=99 - calls external utility (abook).
install details

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
download-from-homepage.tar.gz 1.0 2016-10-31 7.0 Martin Tournoij Download from homepage
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