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vim-qf : Tame the quickfix window.

 script karma  Rating 7/7, Downloaded by 4039  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Romain Lafourcade
script type
vim-qf–short for vim-quickfix–is a small collection of settings, commands and mappings put together to make working with the location/quickfix list/window smoother.


    - disable soft-wrapping in the location/quickfix window
    - disable relative numbers in the location/quickfix window
    - quickfix buffers are hidden from :ls and buffer navigation
    - optional Ack.vim-inspired mappings
    - optional mappings for :cnext, :cprevious, :lnext, :lprevious that wrap around the beginning and end of the list
    - optional mapping for jumping to and from the location/quickfix window,
    - filter and restore the current list
    - perform commands on each line in the curent list
    - perform commands on each file in the curent list
    - open the location/quickfix window automatically after :make, :grep, :lvimgrep and friends if there are valid locations/errors
    - quit Vim if the last window is a location/quickfix window
    - close location window automatically when quitting parent window
    - jump to next group of entries belonging to same file ("file grouping")
    - save and load named lists

Development currently happens on GitHub: https://github.com/romainl/vim-qf. Feel free to submit issues and feature requests.
install details
Use your favorite plugin manager or dump the files below in their standard location:

    # Unix-like systems

    # Windows

If you go with the manual method, don't forget to execute the following command to make the documentation globally available:

    :helptags ~/.vim/doc

on Unix-like systems, or:

    :helptags %userprofile%\vimfiles\doc

on Windows.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-qf.zip 0.2.0 2017-09-23 7.4 Romain Lafourcade Many new features:

- Open the qf/loc window at the bottom or the top of the screen.
- Automatic opening of the qf/loc window can be disabled.
- Automatic resizing of the qf/loc window can be enabled.
- Max size of the qf/loc window can be defined.
- Automatic quitting can be disabled.
- `:Keep` and `:Reject` can work on bufname or text or both or neither, in which case they work on the word under the cursor.
- Views are saved for better comfort while toggling windows.
- "Stay" variants of the toggle mappings.

Potentially breaking changes:

`<Plug>` mappings have new more readable names. Efforts have been made to maintain backward compatibility but new mappings will follow the new naming scheme so it may be a good idea to change your custom mappings now. Following is a table showing the new names:

Old name ---> New name
`<Plug>QfCprevious` ---> `<Plug>qf_qf_previous`
`<Plug>QfCnext` ---> `<Plug>qf_qf_next`
`<Plug>QfLprevious` ---> `<Plug>qf_loc_previous`
`<Plug>QfLnext` ---> `<Plug>qf_loc_next`
`<Plug>QfSwitch` ---> `<Plug>qf_qf_switch`
`<Plug>QfCtoggle` ---> `<Plug>qf_qf_toggle`
`<Plug>QfLtoggle` ---> `<Plug>qf_loc_toggle`
vim-qf.zip 0.1.0 2016-10-23 7.4 Romain Lafourcade Added "preview" command: p
vim-qf.zip 0.0.9 2016-09-11 7.3 Romain Lafourcade Added two "global" commands for toggling the quickfix/location windows:

    - :QfCToggle
    - :QfLToggle
vim-qf.zip 0.0.8 2016-08-21 7.3 Romain Lafourcade - Added list management feature.
- Fixed <Plug>QFCnext and friends.
- Updated the documentation.
vim-qf.zip 0.0.7 2016-04-05 7.3 Romain Lafourcade New features:

    - :Keep
    - :Reject
    - { and } to jump to next file grouping

Deprecation warning: :Filter is on its way out.
vim-qf-0.0.4.zip v0.0.4 2015-08-02 7.0 Romain Lafourcade Massive refactoring of the filter/restore mechanism.
vim-qf.zip 0.0.3 2015-07-04 7.0 Romain Lafourcade * better statusline handling
* sample configuration in the documentation
vim-qf.zip 0.0.2 2015-07-02 7.0 Romain Lafourcade Fixed empty zip. Sorry for the inconvenience :-(
vim-qf.zip 0.0.2 2015-07-01 7.0 Romain Lafourcade Tame the quickfix list/window.
vim-qf.zip 0.0.2 2015-07-01 7.0 Romain Lafourcade Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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