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vim-on-write : Easily register commands executed when the current buffer or a given files match

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created by
Andrea Bonomi
script type

:OnWrite < command >

Register a command executed when the current buffer is saved.
Only one command can be registered for a buffer.


The following command copy the current file on the server when the buffer is written.
:OnWrite scp % server:/tmp/

:OnWriteGlob < glob > < command >

Register a command executed when a file matching the glob is saved.
Only one command can be registered for a glob, but a single file can
match multiple glob.


The following command copy the *.py files when are saved.
:OnWriteGlob *.py scp % server:/tmp/

:CancelOnWrite [< glob >]

Remove the command triggered for the current buffer or a glob.

install details
This plugin follows the standard runtime path structure and it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers:


Add this line to your ~/.vimrc (or $HOME\vimfiles.vimrc on Windows) configuration file:
Bundle 'andreax79/vim-on-write'


Go in your Vim bundle directory ~/.vim/bundle ($HOME\vimfiles\bundle on Windows) and execute the following command:
git clone https://github.com/andreax79/vim-on-write


Copy all of the files into your ~/.vim ($HOME\vimfiles on Windows) directory

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-on-write-1.0.tgz 1.0 2015-07-03 7.0 Andrea Bonomi Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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