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vim-follow-my-lead : Shows all your <Leader> mappings in a readable table including the descriptions

 script karma  Rating 25/7, Downloaded by 1207  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Gaston Tonietti
script type
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* List <Leader> mappings defined by the user and the plugins
* By default only mappings defined in .vimrc are listed. It honours $MYVIMRC variable
* Mappings from all scripts sourced by Vim can be listed if specified by configuration (see Options)
* If the line previous to the mapping is a comment it will be used as the description
* If no comment is available the rhs of the mapping is used as description
* Mappings are shown in a table, grouped by source, with the following columns
    * Mode: which mode the mapping applies to
    * LHS: left hand side of the mapping (without <Leader>)
    * Description: The mapping comment if present. The rhs otherwise
install details
Copy plugin/follow-my-lead.vim to ~/.vim/plugin

Or add a GitHub repository entry if you are using a Plugin Manager such as Vundle:

    Plugin 'ktonga/vim-follow-my-lead'


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-follow-my-lead-v0.3.tar.gz 0.3 2015-12-13 7.0 Gaston Tonietti Community Contributions

- Support for no mappings defined in vimrc
- Support for non-English locales
- Create a plug mapping for FML
- Format longer mappings correctly
- Fix for descriptions before noremap mappings
- Better buffer reuse/management
vim-follow-my-lead-v0.2.tar.gz 0.2 2015-11-14 7.0 Gaston Tonietti Improvements and bug fixing:

- Support different descriptions for same mapping on different modes
- Fix FML loading mappings in active buffer instead of in split window
- Reuse window/buffer to show FML output
vim-follow-my-lead.tar.gz 0.1 2015-09-10 7.0 Gaston Tonietti Initial upload
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