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quickBuf : Simple and quick buffer explorer

 script karma  Rating 1/5, Downloaded by 2457  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Alexandre Viau
script type
See latest version on github: https://github.com/viaa/VimPlugins

" Documentation
    " Name: quickBuf.vim
    " Version:
    " Description: Simple and quick buffer explorer
    " Author: Alexandre Viau (alexandreviau@gmail.com)
    " Thanks to: Xaizek
    " Installation: Copy the plugin to the vim plugin directory.

" Usage:
    " Press <leader>b to show the buffer list in the current window
    " Press <leader>B to show the buffer list in a new tab
    " Press <Enter> or 'o' once on the buffer list to open a buffer
    " Press <Del> or dd once on the buffer list to delete a buffer
    " Press 't' once on the buffer list to view buffer in a tab
    " Press ctrl-o after selecting a buffer to return to the buffer list
" Todo:
"   s0 When they are more than 1 match for a buffer, delete all

" History:
    " 1.0 Initial release
    " 1.1 Switched <tab>b for <tab>B
    " 1.2 I changed the fixed path c:/temp/buffers.txt to $tmp/buffers.txt
    " 1.2.1 I put the buffers.txt path to a variable
    " 1.2.2 I added 'dd' to delete the buffer under the current line and fixed error messages delete some buffers
    " 1.2.3 I changed the mappings <tab>b to open the buffer list in the current buffer, <tab>B to open the buffer list in a new tab
    " 2.0 Many changes from Xaizek (thanks!). He remove the usage of the paste register, added unix line endings and changed the commands so the buffers are managed by their numbers, which is better than name, so now it works with buffers like [Scratch]
    " 2.1 I added commands to delete the empty lines and the current buffer and remove some commands from being registered to the jump list (thanks to Xaizek for this tip). I replaced also 0w by 0^ in the commands to get the numbers if they start at the beginning of the line.
    " 2.1.1 Xaizek: There were also issues with temporary file as $TMP is not always defined and header wasn't updated to mention <leader> and fixed the t mapping.
    " 2.1.2 Added a mapping to 'o' to open the current buffer under the cursor
    " I updated the version number in the file
install details
Copy the plugin to the vim plugin directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
quickBuf.vim 2015-09-29 7.0 Alexandre Viau " I updated the version number in the file
quickBuf.vim 2.1.2 2015-09-29 7.0 Alexandre Viau     " 2.1.1 Xaizek: There were also issues with temporary file as $TMP is not always defined and header wasn't updated to mention <leader> and fixed the t mapping.
    " 2.1.2 Added a mapping to 'o' to open the current buffer under the cursor

quickBuf.vim 2.1 2015-09-28 7.0 Alexandre Viau     " 2.0 Many changes from Xaizek (thanks!). He remove the usage of the paste register, added unix line endings and changed the commands so the buffers are managed by their numbers, which is better than name, so now it works with buffers like [Scratch]
    " 2.1 I added commands to delete the empty lines and the current buffer and remove some commands from being registered to the jump list (thanks to Xaizek for this tip). I replaced also 0w by 0^ in the commands to get the numbers if they start at the beginning of the line.
quickBuf.vim 1.2.3 2015-09-27 7.0 Alexandre Viau I changed the mappings <tab>b to open the buffer list in the current buffer, <tab>B to open the buffer list in a new tab
quickBuf.vim 1.2.2 2015-09-26 7.0 Alexandre Viau I added 'dd' to delete the buffer under the current line
quickBuf.vim 1.2.1 2015-09-16 7.0 Alexandre Viau " Documentation
    " Name: quickBuf.vim
    " Version: 1.2.1
    " Description: Simple and quick buffer explorer
    " Author: Alexandre Viau (alexandreviau@gmail.com)
    " Installation: Copy the plugin to the vim plugin directory.
" Usage:
    " Press <tab>b to show the buffer list in a new tab
    " Press <tab>B to show the buffer list in a split window
    " Press <Enter> once on the buffer list to open a buffer
    " Press <Del> once on the buffer list to delete a buffer
    " Press ctrl-o after selecting a buffer to return to the buffer list
" Todo:
"   s0 When they are more than 1 match for a buffer, delete all

" History:
    " 1.0 Initial release
    " 1.1 Switched <tab>b for <tab>B
    " 1.2 I changed the fixed path c:/temp/buffers.txt to $tmp/buffers.txt
    " 1.2.1 I put the buffers.txt path to a variable
quickBuf.vim 1.2 2015-09-16 7.0 Alexandre Viau " Documentation
    " Name: quickBuf.vim
    " Version: 1.2
    " Description: Simple and quick buffer explorer
    " Author: Alexandre Viau (alexandreviau@gmail.com)
    " Installation: Copy the plugin to the vim plugin directory.
" Usage:
    " Press <tab>b to show the buffer list in a new tab
    " Press <tab>B to show the buffer list in a split window
    " Press <Enter> once on the buffer list to open a buffer
    " Press <Del> once on the buffer list to delete a buffer
    " Press ctrl-o after selecting a buffer to return to the buffer list
" Todo:
"   s0 When they are more than 1 match for a buffer, delete all

" History:
    " 1.0 Initial release
    " 1.1 Switched <tab>b for <tab>B
    " 1.2 I changed the fixed path c:/temp/buffers.txt to $tmp/buffers.txt
quickBuf.vim 1.1 2015-09-14 7.0 Alexandre Viau " Documentation
    " Name: quickBuf.vim
    " Version: 1.1
    " Description: Simple and quick buffer explorer
    " Author: Alexandre Viau (alexandreviau@gmail.com)
    " Installation: Copy the plugin to the vim plugin directory.
" Usage:
    " Press <tab>b to show the buffer list in a new tab
    " Press <tab>B to show the buffer list in a split window
    " Press <Enter> once on the buffer list to open a buffer
    " Press <Del> once on the buffer list to delete a buffer
    " Press ctrl-o after selecting a buffer to return to the buffer list

" History:
    " 1.0 Initial release
    " 1.1 Switched <tab>b for <tab>B
quickBuf.vim 1.0 2015-09-13 7.0 Alexandre Viau Initial upload
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