mycomment : quickly toggle comment without thinking
script karma |
Rating 1/1,
Downloaded by 802 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
qiming zhao |
script type |
utility |
description |
# Mycomment
_A stupid comment plugin made for people can't remember so many mappings:)_
You only need to remember one mapping for comment: `<leader>c`
## API
### [count]\<leader\>cc
Toggle comment of `count`(default current line) lines.
### \<leader\>cip
Toggle comment of a block. Yes, it's a motion mapping, `ip` could be any motion object.
### V\*\*\*\<leader\>c
Select a block and toggle comment
## More productive
You can use `.` to repeat your last comment command, no need [vim-repeat](
If you have [emmet-vim](, the plugin would use emmet comment function for comment toggle of tags in html/xml/xhtml files
## License
install details |
Install with your favorite plugin managers like NeoBundle/Plugin/Plug
NeoBundle 'chemzqm/mycomment'
Plugin 'chemzqm/mycomment'
Plug 'chemzqm/mycomment' |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
ip used for rating: