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vimdiffext : An easier way to vim-diff files and directories.

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created by
Yuriy Ershov
script type
Adds some more handling for diff output.

The most useful probably for multi-file and recursive diffs which are not supported originally.

To use it, just open a patch file or do something like:
$ diff -r -u folder1 folder2 | vim -R -

The added features are:

1. Folds for each individual file and each diff block within.
Since there are no folds originally defined for diff filetype, I added what it made sense for me.

2. A command to open a side-by-side diff mode in a new tab.
The new command is DD (stands for DoDiff) and keymap for it <leader>d (\d for me) in diff file.

To invoke it,
place the cursor on line containing the diff command line:
diff [options ...] file1 file2
and type :DD
or press \d
... a new tab with side-by-side diff mode will appear.

The files must be accessible by their paths from the current location.

3. Paragraph and section motions: [[ ]] { } move to the next/previous difference/file.

This is the most light-weight and easy solution to compare or sync two folders (recursively) using vim.
install details
1. Unpack into your vim home directory (~/.vim/ for Unixes, _vim for Windows):

    $ cd ~/.vim ; tar zxf ~/Downloads/vimdiffext.tgz

2. Enjoy

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
vimdiffext.tgz 1.0.1 2016-01-25 7.0 Yuriy Ershov * Added paragraph motion to diff mode.
* In vertical diff, the left and the right files are always on their correspondent sides.
vimdiffext.tgz 1.0.0 2016-01-14 7.0 Yuriy Ershov Initial upload
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