macdown.vim : Live preview markdown in Chrome using applescript
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Rating 12/3,
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created by |
qiming zhao |
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utility |
description |
# Macdown.vim
This project is hosted at
A simplified and flexible markdown preview for vim user on Mac.
Using applescript instead of a server to enhance the exprience of live preview.
You can get the style preview [here](
## Features
* Works out of box, all dependencies are optional.
* Preview in Chrome with range and auto reload support.
* Auto close Chrome tab on buffer delete and vim exit.
* Async markdown parse.
* Tables, GFM enabled, code highlight and footnote enabled by default.
* Misaka parser support [smartypants](,
toc (table of content) and unicode (including Emoji)
## Install
Take [vundle]( as example:
Plugin 'chemzqm/macdown.vim'
If you need async markdown parse, just install
[vimproc.vim](https: //
Plugin 'Shougo/vimproc.vim'
## Usage
To preview current markdown file, type:
Preview with range, eg:
Or visual select a range, and use:
To toggle auto preview for current file, type:
The corresponding chrome tab would be activated and refreshed on CursorHold and
BufWrite. A handy remap could be:
nnoremap <C-p> :PreviewAuto<CR>
## Configuration
By default `macdown.vim` using [markit]( for
markdown parsing, it's exists inside this repository, but if you need speed and
more future, you can set global variable:
let g:macdown_marked_programme = 'misaka'
To enable misaka parse, it's almost 4 times faster than markit, but you need to
install python dependencies:
pip install misaka pygments
`sudo` might be required.
You can also make your own parser, it's just create a excutable file inside
`macdown.vim/bin` which accept markdown content from stdin and output html to
* Scrollbind for vim and Chrome
install details |
NeoBundle 'chemzqm/macdown.vim'
Plugin 'chemzqm/macdown.vim'
Plug 'chemzqm/macdown.vim'
|vimproc| is requried to do the async markdown parse job, it would be
installed via |vim-plug|:
Plug 'Shougo/vimproc.vim',{'do', 'yes\\|make'}
Follow the installation guide of |vimproc| if you got problem during
If you want to use misaka for markdown parse, you have to install python dependencies by:
pip install misaka pygments |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
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