vim-macos : Autoload functions to help vim user work with macos
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qiming zhao |
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utility |
description |
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It expose three simple function to help interactive with macos
### API
* **macos#open(argument)** open argument(could be any path) with `open` command
* **macos#ItermOpen(dir)** active iterm2 (only support version > 2.9) and open
directory in a new tab
* **macos#keycodes(list...)** send keycode(s) to MacOS
## Example
* Make mappings for NeteaseMusic next song, previous song and pausestart
``` VimL
nnoremap <silent> <D-[> :call macos#keycodes('option', 'command', 'left')<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <D-]> :call macos#keycodes('option', 'command', 'right')<cr>
nnoremap <silent> <D-i> :call macos#keycodes('option', 'command', 'space')<cr>
*Note*, MacVim is needed for command key mapping, system global shortcut of NeteaseMusic have to be activated
* A keymapping make iterm2 open directory of current file
``` VimL
nnoremap <leader>to :call macos#ItermOpen(expand('%:p:h'))<cr>
* A keymapping make Finder open directory of current file
``` VimL
nnoremap <leader>fo :call macos#open(expand('%:p:h'))<cr>
*Note*, <D-o> in MacVim only open current working directory |
install details |
Install with your favorite plugin managers like NeoBundle/Plugin/Plug
NeoBundle 'chemzqm/macos'
Plugin 'chemzqm/macos'
Plug 'chemzqm/macos'
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