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GoDiff : Quick Inline Colored Diff

 script karma  Rating 42/12, Downloaded by 1428  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Rolf Asmund
script type
A plug-in to quickly compare two sections of text with colors.

checkout the wiki here with screenshots:


First copy text-1 (e.g. '3yy' to copy 3 lines)
Then, either
  visually select text-2 (e.g. 'V2j' to visually select 3 lines)
  Now press 'gd' to compare text-1 and text-2
  give a count for number of lines to diff followed by gd (e.g. '3gd')
Finally press 'gd' again to restore colors
Registers can also be used. Try '"a3yy' or '3"ayy' to copy 3 lines to register 'a'
Then '"a3gd' or '3"agd' on text to compare with.
For single line compare, simply press 'yy' on text-1 and 'gd' on text-2
install details
   Source this file
   Copy its content into your .vimrc
   If using pathogen, copy this file into .vim/bundle/godiff/plugin/
   Copy it to your .vim/plugin directory to automatically source it when vim
   Copy it to your .vim/plugins directory (or any other directory) and source
   it explicitly from your .vimrc

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
godiff.vim 1.2 2016-04-05 7.0 Rolf Asmund Support for v:count and v:register
godiff.vim 1.1 2016-03-21 7.0 Rolf Asmund Support for guifg/bg (for gvim)
Disable hlsearch and spell while active
If no selection, do single-line diff
godiff.vim 1.0 2016-03-19 7.0 Rolf Asmund Initial upload
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