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droWMark : Post to WordPress using Pandoc Flavoured Markdown

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created by
Ekaitz Zarraga
script type
droWMark creates WordPress posts accessing to WordPress' XML-RPC API. The posts are written using Pandoc Flavoured MarkDown and a simple configuration header in the top of the files.

Ccreate a new blog entry using:


This will insert the template file in the file you are editing and switch the filetype to `drowmark` which automatically activates the `drowmark` syntax highlighting. This filetype is also activated when the extension of the file is `.wp`. The template contains all the information needed to fill the configuration part.

When the blog entry is finished, it is possible to post in WordPress with the following command:


This will ask for the username and the password before publishing the post in WordPress.
install details
It is necessary to have Vim compiled with `+python` option.

Dependencies for the python script are:

- Panflute package, wich also depends on Pandoc  
  pip install panflute

- Wordpress XML RPC  
  pip install python_wordpress_xmlrpc

- ConfigParser package  
  pip install configparser

Get the latest version from GitHub:

# Version 1.1 update:
Now depends on Panflute, not Pypandoc.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
droWMark-1.1.tar.gz v1.1 2017-02-24 7.4 Ekaitz Zarraga Image support. Thumbnail Support.
droWMark-1.0.tar.gz 1.0 2016-04-23 7.4 Ekaitz Zarraga Initial upload
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