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One Half Color Schemes : Clean and vibrant light/dark color schemes for terminal and gui Vim.

 script karma  Rating 148/62, Downloaded by 2517  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Son Pham
script type
color scheme
Clean, vibrant, modern and pleasing light/dark color schemes for terminal and gui Vim.

Consistent cterm and gui colors, plus matching themes for plugins such as vim-airline, lightline or NERDTree. Provides harmonious colors and styles for all UI elements and syntax groups.

Screenshot: https://github.com/sonph/onehalf/blob/master/screenshots/main.png
More screenshots: https://github.com/sonph/onehalf/tree/master/screenshots
More information: https://github.com/sonph/onehalf

Matching color schemes for other editors and terminals such as gnome-terminal, iTerm, macOS Terminal.app, Sublime Text, etc. are also available.

Please report any issues or feature requests at the GitHub repository above.
install details
1. Install with Vundle:

    Plugin 'sonph/onehalf', {'rtp': 'vim/'}

then restart vim and execute


or, manually copy the color scheme files from https://github.com/sonph/onehalf/tree/master/vim into your local ~/.vim/colors and optionally ~/.vim/autoload (if you use vim-airline).

2. Set the colorscheme in your ~/.vimrc

    syntax on
    set t_Co=256
    " Use onehalfdark or onehalflight
    colorscheme onehalfdark
    " If you are using vim-airline
    let g:airline_theme='onehalfdark'

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
onehalf.zip 0.1.2 2016-06-30 7.0 Son Pham Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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