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ditto.vim : Highlight overused words

 script karma  Rating 8/2, Downloaded by 897  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Daniel Marques
script type
Ditto is a Vim plugin that highlights overused words.

You can see the most frequent words in each sentence, paragraph or file, cycle through them, chose which words to ignore and more.

Check https://github.com/danielbmarques/vim-ditto.
install details
1. Install Ditto using your favorite plugin manager or copy each file to its corresponding directory under ~/.vim/.

2. Add this to your .vimrc:

        au FileType markdown,text,tex DittoOn " Turn on Ditto's autocmds
        nmap <leader>di <Plug>ToggleDitto     " Turn it on and off
        nmap =d <Plug>DittoNext               " Jump to the next word
        nmap -d <Plug>DittoPrev               " Jump to the previous word
        nmap +d <Plug>DittoGood               " Ignore the word under the cursor
        nmap _d <Plug>DittoBad                " Stop ignoring the word under the cursor
        nmap ]d <Plug>DittoMore               " Show the next matches
        nmap [d <Plug>DittoLess               " Show the previous matches

    (Chose the filetypes and mappings you prefer. These are only suggestions.)

3. Stop procrastinating and write (God knows I should).

:DittoOn starts a set of autocmds that keep the highlighting up to date. If you don't like that idea or run into any problems, read the full documentation for other options.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
ditto.zip 0.1 2016-07-30 7.4 Daniel Marques Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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