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vim-anyfold : Generic folding mechanism and motion based on indentation

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created by
Patrick Seewald
script type
For examples and full documentation, visit the official repository

This plugin comes with the following features:
* Folding mechanism based on indented blocks that has a very intuitive and predictable behaviour.
* Results comparable to syntax aware folding methods but fast and generic algorithm that does not rely on language specific rules.
* Works out of the box for any filetypes, optimal results for all indented languages (including properly indented curly brace languages).
* Shortcuts to navigate to beginning / end of a block and to previous / next indented block.
* Can handle corner cases with ease (comments, varying indentation widths, line breaks).
* Fast update mechanism that keeps folds in sync with buffer.

It has the following shortcomings:
* Can not correctly fold mismatched indentation and thus should only be used together with disciplined programming style (or in combination with Vim's equalprg autoindent feature).

Setup and Usage:
1. Install this plugin with a vim plugin manager.
2. Add the following lines to your vimrc (if not already present).

    filetype plugin indent on
    syntax on
    let anyfold_activate=1
    set foldlevel=0

Choose a higher foldlevel if you prefer to have folds open by default.
3. Use Vim's fold commands zo, zO, zc, za, ... to fold / unfold folds (read :h fold-commands for more information). Use key combinations [[ and ]] to navigate to the beginning and end of the current open fold. Use ]k and [j to navigate to the end of the previous block and to the beginning of the next block.
install details
Install this plugin with your preferred vim plugin manager.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-anyfold-2.0.zip 2.0 2018-03-21 7.4 Patrick Seewald Better defaults for brace based languages and performance optimizations
vim-anyfold-1.1.0.zip 1.1.0 2016-12-02 7.4 Patrick Seewald * Toggle key has been removed
* Fast and direct auto-update of folds
* Performance improvements
* Better defaults for curly-brace languages
* Various bug fixes
AnyFold-1.0.zip 1.0 2016-09-18 7.3 Patrick Seewald First stable release
ip used for rating:

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