composer.vim : Initial release
script karma |
Rating 0/0,
Downloaded by 1170 |
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Vim wiki
created by |
Noah Frederick |
script type |
utility |
description |
Composer.vim provides conveniences for working with Composer PHP projects.
Some features include:
* `:Composer` command wrapper around `composer` with smart completion
* Navigate to source files using Composer's autoloader
* Insert `use` statement for the class/interface/trait under cursor
* Projectionist support (e.g., `:Ecomposer` to edit your
`composer.json`, `:A` to jump to `composer.lock` and back)
* Dispatch support (`:Dispatch` runs `composer dump-autoload`)
See `:help composer` for details. |
install details |
Using vim-plug, for example:
Plug 'noahfrederick/vim-composer'
Optionally install Dispatch.vim and Projectionist.vim for projections and asynchronous command execution:
Plug 'tpope/vim-dispatch'
Plug 'tpope/vim-projectionist'
Note: either Projectionist.vim or Vim version 7.4.1304 or later is required for JSON support. |
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