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vim-markdown-toc : A plugin to generate table of contents for Markdown files.

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created by
Ma Zhuang
script type
In GitHub: https://github.com/mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc

## Screenshots


## Features

* Generate table of contents for Markdown files.

  Supported Markdown parsers:

  - [x] GFM (GitHub Flavored Markdown)
  - [x] GitLab
  - [x] Marked
  - [x] Redcarpet

* Update existing table of contents.

* Auto update existing table of contents on save.

Note: This plugin only works in Markdown files, that usually have a .[md|mdown|mkd|mkdn|markdown|mdwn|mdx] suffix. To check file type, please run :set ft, Markdown files will echo filetype=markdown.

## Usage

### Generate table of contents

Move the cursor to the line you want to append table of contents, then type a command below suit you. The command will generate **headings after the cursor** into table of contents.

1. `:GenTocGFM`

    Generate table of contents in [GFM][2] link style.

    This command is suitable for Markdown files in GitHub repositories, like `README.md`, and Markdown files for GitBook.

2. `:GenTocRedcarpet`

    Generate table of contents in [Redcarpet][3] link style.

    This command is suitable for Jekyll or anywhere else use Redcarpet as its Markdown parser.

3. `:GenTocGitLab`

    Generate table of contents in [GitLab][9] link style.

    This command is suitable for GitLab repository and wiki.

4. `:GenTocMarked`

    Generate table of contents for [iamcco/markdown-preview.vim][10] which use [Marked][11] markdown parser.

You can view [here][1] to know differences between *GFM* and *Redcarpet* style toc links.

### Update existing table of contents

Generally you don't need to do this manually, existing table of contents will auto update on save by default.

The `:UpdateToc` command, which is designed to update toc manually, can only work when `g:vmt_auto_update_on_save` turned off, and keep insert fence.

### Remove table of contents

`:RemoveToc` command will do this for you, just remember keep insert fence option by default.

## Options

1. `g:vmt_auto_update_on_save`

   default: `1`

   This plugin will update existing table of contents on save automatic.

   You can close this feature by add the following line to your vimrc file:

   let g:vmt_auto_update_on_save = 0

2. `g:vmt_dont_insert_fence`

   default: `0`

   By default, the `:GenTocXXX` commands will add `<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->` fence to the table of contents, it is designed for feature of auto update table of contents on save and `:UpdateToc` command, it won't effect what your Markdown file looks like after parse.

   If you don't like this, you can remove the fence by add the following line to your vimrc file:

   let g:vmt_dont_insert_fence = 1

   But then you will lose the convenience of auto update tables of contents on save and `:UpdateToc` command. When you want to update toc, you need to remove existing toc manually and rerun `:GenTocXXX` commands.

3. `g:vmt_fence_text`

   default: `vim-markdown-toc`

   Inner text of the fence marker for the table of contents, see `g:vmt_dont_insert_fence`.

4. `g:vmt_fence_closing_text`

   default: `g:vmt_fence_text`

   Inner text of the closing fence marker. E.g., you could `let g:vmt_fence_text = 'TOC'` and `let g:vmt_fence_closing_text = '/TOC'` to get

   <!-- TOC -->
   <!-- /TOC -->

5. `g:vmt_fence_hidden_markdown_style`

   default: `''`

   By default, _vim-markdown-toc_ will add the markdown style into the fence of the text for the table of contents. You can avoid this and set a default markdown style with `g:vmt_fence_hidden_markdown_style` that is applied if a fence is found containing the `g:vmt_fence_text` without any markdown style. Obviously, `g:vmt_fence_hidden_markdown_style` has to be supported, i.e. currently one of `['GFM', 'Redcarpet', 'GitLab', 'Marked']`.

6. `g:vmt_cycle_list_item_markers`

   default: `0`

   By default, `*` is used to denote every level of a list:

   * [Level 1](#level-1)
       * [Level 1-1](#level-1-1)
       * [Level 1-2](#level-1-2)
           * [Level 1-2-1](#level-1-2-1)
   * [Level 2](level-2)

   If you set:

   let g:vmt_cycle_list_item_markers = 1

   every level will instead cycle between the valid list item markers `*`, `-` and `+`:

   * [Level 1](#level-1)
       - [Level 1-1](#level-1-1)
       - [Level 1-2](#level-1-2)
           + [Level 1-2-1](#level-1-2-1)
   * [Level 2](level-2)

   This renders the same according to Markdown rules, but might appeal to those who care about readability of the source.

7. `g:vmt_list_item_char`

    default: `*`

    The list item marker, it can be `*`, `-` or `+`.

8. `g:vmt_include_headings_before`

    default: `0`

    Include headings before the position you are inserting Table of Contents.

9. `g:vmt_list_indent_text`

    default: `''`

    The indent text of list item. By default, if `expandtab` is set, it will be `shiftwidth`([2, 5]) number of space, otherwise it will be `\t`. If you set this option, it will override the default behavior.

10. `g:vmt_link`

    default: `1`

    Whether to generate link for headings.

11. `g:vmt_min_level`

    default: `1`

    The minimum level of headings to be included in the table of contents.

12. `g:vmt_max_level`

    default: `6`

    The maximum level of headings to be included in the table of contents.
install details
Suggest to manage your vim plugins via [vim-plug][8] or [Vundle][4], so you can install it simply three steps:

### vim-plug

1. add the following line to your vimrc file

    Plug 'mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc'

2. `:so $MYVIMRC`

3. `:PlugInstall`

### Vundle

1. add the following line to your vimrc file

    Plugin 'mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc'

2. `:so $MYVIMRC`

3. `:PluginInstall`

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-markdown-toc-1.5.0.zip v1.5.0 2024-04-15 7.4 Ma Zhuang - Compatibility improvments
- Complete documentation
vim-markdown-toc-1.4.0.tar.gz v1.4.0 2018-05-11 7.4 Ma Zhuang Make the TOC fence text be configurable, support assign markdown style in modeline.
vim-markdown-toc-1.3.0.tar.gz 1.3.0 2017-11-27 7.4 Ma Zhuang Add support for GitLab, add option `list_indent_text`, add support for Cyrillic in headings
vim-markdown-toc-1.2.2.tar.gz v1.2.2 2017-08-16 7.0 Ma Zhuang Add option to cycle list item markers, add command to remove toc
vim-markdown-toc-1.2.1.tar.gz v1.2.1 2016-11-23 7.0 Ma Zhuang Compatible with old regexp engine.
vim-markdown-toc-1.2.tar.gz v1.2 2016-11-07 7.0 Ma Zhuang Compatibility enhancement
vim-markdown-toc-1.0.tar.gz v1.0 2016-10-19 7.0 Ma Zhuang Add features: update existing toc, auto update toc on save.
vim-markdown-toc-0.1.tar.gz v0.1 2016-10-10 7.0 Ma Zhuang Initial upload
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