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Despacio : Vim Colorscheme

 script karma  Rating 66/20, Downloaded by 3966  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Alessandro Yorba
script type
color scheme
A warm colorscheme for Terminal Vim and GUI Vim.

For Screenshots, color options, and future downloads check out the GitHub repo here:

install details
For Unix users, place despacio.vim in ~/.vim/colors
Windows users, place despacio.vim in ~\\vimfiles\\colors

or use your favorite package manager

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
despacio.vim 82de4e6 2020-01-29 7.0 Alessandro Yorba Enjoy!
despacio.vim 8cc515c 2017-12-08 7.0 Alessandro Yorba New Pmenu groups, New Tabline groups, New String color, New Normal,  New Terminal Themes

For more data: https://github.com/AlessandroYorba/Despacio
despacio.vim 543556d 2017-11-03 7.0 Alessandro Yorba Brand new colors!!
Aroma: Medium and balanced. A roast character with subtle fermentation fruitiness
Flavor: A perfect rounded flavor of bitter and sweet with a hint of chocolate notes and coffee
Appearance: Distinctively black full bodied
despacio.vim 4 2016-11-04 7.0 Alessandro Yorba Added 4 new modes to darken Despacio ( Sunset, Twilight, Midnight, Pitch )
Added Terminal themes and Xresources for all modes
Improved visibility for Prompt Status and Visual Aid Highlight Groups
Improved analogous colors throughout
despacio.vim 1 2016-10-11 7.0 Alessandro Yorba Initial upload
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