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vim-kramdown-tab : A vim plugin to resolve indent issue of content nested in Markdown lists, especi

 script karma  Rating 1/1, Downloaded by 762  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Ma Zhuang
script type
In GitHub: https://github.com/mzlogin/vim-kramdown-tab



With kramdown(GitHub Pages' default Markdown engine), the indent rule for content nested in lists is:


1. ordered item one
    nested content here
2. ordered item two

* unorder item one
  nested content here
* unorder item two


1. ordered item one
    nested content here
2. ordered item two

* unorder item one
    nested content here
* unorder item two

Tab key doesn't know how to indent! This plugin is to rescue your Tab.


When you want to indent your content nested in lists, just press Leader-Tab.
install details
Suggest to manage your vim plugins via Vundle so you can install it simply three steps:

1. add the following line to your vimrc file

    Plugin 'mzlogin/vim-kramdown-tab'

2. :so $MYVIMRC

3. :PluginInstall

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-kramdown-tab-0.1.tar.gz v0.1 2016-10-14 7.0 Ma Zhuang Initial upload
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