pace.vim : Measure the pace of typing (in Insert mode &c.)
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Downloaded by 1949 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Aliaksei Budavei |
script type |
utility |
description |
The "pace.vim" script offers a means to measure the pace of
typing (in Insert, Replace, & Virtual Replace modes) in
a preselected manner: cumulative, buffer-total, or instance
(dumpable on demand). It provides a tunable policy tool to
inhibit any mode tracing and to control borderline cases
(Ctrl-c exiting, no input). All data collected in a session
may be carried over and re-used.
The bundled "demo.vim" script parades a specialised variant
of "pace.vim" in mock-action with a touch of rhyming.
install details |
In order to install the project files into a writable user's
Vim directory, fetch the most recent zipped archive listed
below and extract its files. (There is also a public Git
repository at
Since Vim 8, consider assembling a Vim package for this
:help packages
Having the files installed, launch Vim and list all "doc/"
:echo finddir('doc', &runtimepath, -1)
Now generate the help tags:
:helptags /path/to/doc
Then read the documentation:
:help pace.txt
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download. |
2.0 |
2024-03-10 |
9.0 |
Aliaksei Budavei |
demo.vim and pace.vim:
The files have been overhauled to Vim9
The comparison of generated profiling data
for major script versions shows noticeable
reduction in execution time for functions
written in Vim9 syntax, and the improvement
of measuring accuracy seems promising in
consequence of this observation.
| |
1.3 |
2024-03-10 |
7.0 |
Aliaksei Budavei |
demo.vim and pace.vim:
Links to a repository of the project and
archives can be found in the file headers.
Whenever the sub-_second_ unit cannot be
ascertained so that ticks can be scaled,
`reltimestr()' is resorted to.
An in-procedure time lag between an epoch
and its future referents ceases from being
a factor.
The core calculations of the measuring
algorithm have been further whittled down.
Allowance is made for the option value of
'switchbuf' after the demonstration ends.
For every header line of a batch to print,
successive unprinted batches are searched.
The precedence of 'statusline' over 'ruler'
and 'rulerformat' is recognised as support
warrants for 'laststatus'.
A sampling alternative to the continuous
updating of `g:pace_info' is within reach
with `g:pace_sample' (and patch 7.0.104 for
| |
1.2 |
2017-05-14 |
7.0 |
Aliaksei Budavei |
The demo buffers allow to re-run a preview.
The initial value of `g:pace_info' now observes
the amassing `g:pace_policy'.
The sequence of leave-enter mode routines is
arranged for `InsertChange'.
`PaceSum' keeps up-to-date its rejects sum.
The mode check is omitted on `InsertLeave'. | |
1.1 |
2016-12-26 |
7.0 |
Aliaksei Budavei |
The 'laststatus' option is set to 1, if 0 (the
documentation is made to agree with the script).
The `g:pace_policy' variable allows a new value
(2000) to amass buffer typing.
The script-defined commands are supplied with the
`-bar' attribute. | |
1.0 |
2016-10-26 |
7.0 |
Aliaksei Budavei |
Initial upload |
ip used for rating: