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auto_mkdir2.vim : Automatically create directories

 script karma  Rating 9/3, Downloaded by 652  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Martin Tournoij
script type
Homepage: https://arp242.net/code/auto_mkdir2.vim/


Automatically create direcories that don't exist yet when writing a file.

This allows you to do:

    vim ~/a/dir/tree/that/doesnt/exist/new-file.txt

and then just use `:w` (or `ZZ`, or `:up`, etc.) to create the directory tree.

This is basically the same as the "auto_mkdir" plugin, although it was
developed independently. This version has the option to confirm directory
creation and includes a bugfix:

`g:auto_mkdir2_confirm`                 (Boolean, default: 1)
Ask for confirmation before automatically creating a directory.

MkdirP [directory]                                                   `:MkdirP`

Like `mkdir -p` from the shell: it will create all intermediate directories
and will not show an error if the [directory] already exists and is a

The [directory] is `expand()`-ed. The parameter is optional and [%:h:p] is used
if it is empty.
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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
download-from-homepage.tar.gz 1.0 2016-10-31 7.0 Martin Tournoij Download from homepage
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