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Install a Plugin in Vim : symlinks don\\'t overwrite existing files, uninstall only deletes symlinks

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Questions toask
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# Easily install vim plugins from a source control checkout (e.g. Github)
# alias vim-install=rake -f ~/.vim/rakefile-vim-install
# vim-install
# vim-install uninstall
# will be Trying for http://questionstoaskagirlguy.com/
require \\\\\\'ftools\\\\\\'
require \\\\\\'fileutils\\\\\\'

task :default => :install
desc \\\\\\\"Install a vim plugin the lazy way\\\\\\\"
task :install do
  vim_dir      = File.expand_path(\\\\\\\"~/.vim\\\\\\\")
  plugin_dir   = Dir.pwd

  if not (FileTest.exists? File.join(plugin_dir,\\\\\\\".git\\\\\\\") or
          FileTest.exists? File.join(plugin_dir,\\\\\\\".svn\\\\\\\") or
          FileTest.exists? File.join(plugin_dir,\\\\\\\".hg\\\\\\\"))
      puts \\\\\\\"#{plugin_dir} isn\\\\\\'t a source controlled directory. Aborting.\\\\\\\"
      exit 1

  Dir[\\\\\\'**/\\\\\\'].each do |d|
    FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(vim_dir, d)

  Dir[\\\\\\\"**/*.{txt,snippet,snippets,vim,js,wsf}\\\\\\\"].each do |f|
    ln File.join(plugin_dir, f), File.join(vim_dir,f)

  boldred = \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\033[1;31m\\\\\\\"
  clear = \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\033[0m\\\\\\\"
  puts \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\nDone. Remember to #{boldred}:helptags ~/.vim/doc#{clear}\\\\\\\"

task :uninstall do
  vim_dir      = File.expand_path(\\\\\\\"~/.vim\\\\\\\")
  plugin_dir   = Dir.pwd
  Dir[\\\\\\\"**/*.{txt,snippet,snippets,vim}\\\\\\\"].each do |f|
    safe_rm File.join(vim_dir, f)

def nicename(path)
    boldgreen = \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\033[1;32m\\\\\\\"
    clear = \\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\033[0m\\\\\\\"
    return \\\\\\\"#{boldgreen}#{File.join(path.split(\\\\\\'/\\\\\\')[-2..-1])}#{clear}\\\\\\\\t\\\\\\\"

def ln(src, dst)
        FileUtils.ln_s src, dst
        puts \\\\\\\"    Symlink #{nicename src}\\\\\\\\t => #{nicename dst}\\\\\\\"
    rescue Errno::EEXIST
        puts \\\\\\\"  #{nicename dst} exists! Skipping.\\\\\\\"

def cp(src, dst)
  puts \\\\\\\"    Copying #{nicename src}\\\\\\\\t=> #{nicename dst}\\\\\\\"
  FileUtils.cp src, dst

def safe_rm(target)
    if FileTest.exists? target and FileTest.symlink? target
        puts \\\\\\\"    #{nicename target} removed.\\\\\\\"
        File.delete target
        puts \\\\\\\"  #{nicename target} is not a symlink. Skipping\\\\\\\"
install details
I think you should have a look at the Pathogen plugin. After you have this installed, you can keep all of your plugins in separate folders in ~/.vim/bundle/, and Pathogen will take care of loading them.

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
Vim Script.png cp 2016-10-30 7.0 Questions toask Initial upload
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