xdg_open.vim : Run xdg-open from Vim; re-implements netrw's gx.
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created by |
Martin Tournoij |
script type |
utility |
description |
Homepage: https://arp242.net/code/xdg_open.vim/
Re-implements netrw's `gx` command with a call to `xdg-open` (or a similar
tool of your choosing).
This is especially useful if you're using dirvish or some other file-manager
other than netrw.
Is this fully compatible with netrw?
It should be for most purposes, but feature-for-feature (or bug-for-bug)
compatibility was not a primary goal. Notable changes are:
- We just try to run `xdg-open`. No tricks and complicated fallbacks if that
- The default is to get the `<cWORD>` instead of `<cfile>`. This works better
with urls which have query parameters.
- The shell command is run in the background. This is much more sane.
Can I disable netrw completely?
- To only disable gx-related functionality:
let g:netrw_nogx = 1
- To disable all of netrw:
let g:loaded_netrw = 1
- To disable the netrw doc files you need to remove the doc file at
`$VIMRUNTIME/doc/pi_netrw.txt` and rebuild the help tags with:
:helptags $VIMRUNTIME/doc
This has the advantage of not cluttering `:helpgrep` or tab completion.
You will need write permissions here (e.g. run it as root). Unfortunately
you will nee to re-run this after every upgrade.
See `:help xdg_open` for the full documentation.
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