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vim-codequery : An asynchronous code searcher

 script karma  Rating -1/1, Downloaded by 781  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Chun-Yu Tseng
script type

Official Website:https://github.com/devjoe

<img src="https://db.tt/j9XrjR4v"; align="center" width="500">  
> Choose what you want to know! 😼
" Open menu
:CodeQueryMenu Unite Full

" Or query directly
:CodeQuery Definition get_user_id

# vim-codequery
This Vim plugin is built on top of the great tool [CodeQuery](https://github.com/ruben2020/codequery) created by ruben2020, and aims at providing three primary functions to help you to:
1. **Search source code gracefully within Vim**.
    * You can find: `definition, call, caller, callee, symbol, class, parent, child` and more for a string.
    * Convenient menus are created for you.
    * Well-formated results are shown in a custom Quickfix window with usable key bindings.
    * Support asynchronous search (Vim version >= 8.0)
2. **Manage your database easily**.
    * Load, make and move your database file by custom Vim commands.
    * Support asynchronous build (Vim version >= 8.0 or by `Dispatch` plugin)
    * `Note: CodeQuery's SQLite database is built on top of ctags and cscope.`
3. **Know your code more instantly**.
    * (TBD)

##  Supported languages
  * [x] `Python` 😎
  * [x] `Javascript`
  * [x] `Ruby`
  * [x] `Go`
  * [x] `Java`
  * [x] `C, C++`
## Demo

`Choose a query from menu ➙ Get results`  


`... ➙ Switch to different query ➙ Get results ... ➙ Filter them ➙ Get Results ➙ Undo ➙ Redo`  

[more demo and screenshots](https://github.com/devjoe/vim-codequery/wiki/Screenshots-and-Demo)  ;
These videos are quite old.  
Now vim-codequery works better than what you see by using Vim8's async feature.
## Schedule

> **This project is almost ready to be released.**  
> Main TODO:
> * ~~Use Vim8's new features to enhance usability.~~
> * ~~Do lazy-loading.~~
> * Enhance usability.
> * Test it.
> * Doc it.
> Completeness: 94%  
> Current Version: v0.9  
> Welcome to try it! 👌  
## Installation

#### 1. Make sure these commands are in your system
/bin/sh echo mkdir mv cut find awk stat git(optional)

#### 2. Install CodeQuery
* Linux => Install [binaries](https://sourceforge.net/projects/codequery/files/) or [build it](https://github.com/ruben2020/codequery/blob/master/doc/INSTALL-LINUX.md).
* Mac => `brew install codequery` 🍺 (make sure codequery version >= v0.17.0)

#### 3. Install additional ctags/cscope tools for your languages
| Language | Tools | How to install |
| --- | --- | --- |  
| Python | [PyCscope](https://github.com/portante/pycscope) | `sudo pip install pycscope` |
| Javascript | [Starscope](https://github.com/eapache/starscope) | `sudo gem install starscope` |
| Ruby | [Starscope](https://github.com/eapache/starscope) | `sudo gem install starscope` |
| Go | [Starscope](https://github.com/eapache/starscope) | `sudo gem install starscope` |

> `Java`, `C` and `C++` users do not need to install additional ctags/cscope tools.  
> Starscope has been [packaged for Arch Linux](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ruby-starscope/)    ;

#### 4. Install Vim plugins
* Use your favorite plugins manager: [pathogen](https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen), [Vundle](https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim), [Plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug), [NeoBundle](https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim), [Dein](https://github.com/Shougo/dein.vim),  ;...
* Take Plug as an example:  
" Required
Plug 'Shougo/unite.vim'
Plug 'devjoe/vim-codequery'
" Optional
" if your vim version < 8.0
Plug 'tpope/vim-dispatch'
" if you don't have an :Ack (or :Ag) liked command
Plug 'mileszs/ack.vim'
## Usage

#### 1. Setup

* Go to the (git) root directory of your project. Open vim and type:
" Index Python files
:CodeQueryMakeDB python
" Or index Python + Javascript files
:CodeQueryMakeDB python javascript
* That's all. `python.db`, `javascript.db` ... will be created in the root directory.
* It's recommended that you should use `:CodeQueryMoveDBToGitDir python` to hide the DB file to `.git/codequery/` directory. If you do so, next time you can call `:CodeQueryMakeDB` directly in any opened Python buffer to rebuild the DB file.

#### 2. Search
* **Find symbol under your cursor**  


* **Find word (by subcommands) under your cursor**  

:CodeQuery [SubCommand]  
" Supported SubCommands are: `Symbol, Text, Call, Caller, Callee, Class, Parent, Child, Member, FunctionList, FileImporter`.  

* **Find arbitrary word**

:CodeQuery [SubCommand] [word]  
* **Find again with the same word**

:CodeQueryAgain [SubCommand]  

* **Use fuzzy Option**    

:CodeQuery [SubCommand] [word] -f  
" [word] can be: get_* or *user_info or find_*_by_id

* **Use append Option** (results will be added to the current Quickfix)    

:CodeQuery [SubCommand] [word] -a  

* **Filter Search Results**  

:CodeQueryFilter [string]  
" [string] can be a regex
#### 3. Use Quickfix
* **Move your cursor inside Quickfix window to use these key bindings**

| Key | Action | Note |
| --- | --- | --- |
| s | `:CodeQueryAgain Symbol` | |
| x | `:CodeQueryAgain Text` | use `:Ack!` by default. #1 |
| c | `:CodeQueryAgain Call` | |
| r | `:CodeQueryAgain Caller` | |
| e | `:CodeQueryAgain Callee` | |
| d | `:CodeQueryAgain Definition` | |
| C | `:CodeQueryAgain Class` | |
| M | `:CodeQueryAgain Member` | |
| P | `:CodeQueryAgain Parent` | |
| D | `:CodeQueryAgain Child` | |
| m | `:CodeQueryMenu Unite Magic` | |
| q | `:cclose` | |
| \ | `:CodeQueryFilter` | |
| p | `<CR><C-W>p` | Preview |
| u | `:colder \| CodeQueryShowQF` | Older Quickfix Result |
| \<C-R> | `:cnewer \| CodeQueryShowQF` | Newer Quickfix Result |
>  #1
> You can override `g:codequery_find_text_cmd` to change it.

* **Show Quickfix with above key bindings**

" This command can also be used to **patch** standard Quickfix.

#### 4. Open Menu

Currently, vim-codequery only provides [Unite](https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim) menu because I love it ⭐.  There are two types of menu:

* **Full Unite menu**

:CodeQueryMenu Unite Full  
" The string between :: and :: is the word under cursor
" [F] means this action is for 'function variable only'
" [C] is for 'class variable only'  
<img src="https://db.tt/j9XrjR4v"; align="center" width="400">  
* **Magic Unite menu**

:CodeQueryMenu Unite Magic  
" This menu changes dynamically:
" 1. If the word under your cursor begins with a capital letter (possible be class): show [C] actions
" 2. vice versa (possible be function): show [F] actions
" 3. Show reasonable actions within Quickfix
<img src="https://db.tt/g6ZXMfaY"; align="center" width="300">  
## Tips
#### Open Menu  
nnoremap <space>c :CodeQueryMenu Unite Full<CR>
nnoremap <space>; :CodeQueryMenu Unite Magic<CR>
" Or enable typing (to search menu items) by default
nnoremap <space>\ :CodeQueryMenu Unite Magic<CR>A
#### Query  
nnoremap <space><CR> :CodeQuery Symbol<CR>
" Chain commands to find possible tests (for python)
nnoremap <space>t :CodeQuery Caller<CR>:CodeQueryFilter test_<CR>
#### Filter  
" Filter reversely by adding '!'
:CodeQueryFilter ! [word]
#### Build  
" Trigger db building (in current filetype) when your query fails
let g:codequery_trigger_build_db_when_db_not_found = 1

#### Find Text
" Custom your `CodeQuery Text` commands
let g:codequery_find_text_cmd = 'Ack!'
let g:codequery_find_text_from_current_file_dir = 0
" 0 => search from project dir (git root directory -> then the directory containing xxx.db file)
" 1 => search from the directory containing current file
" If you use ':CodeQuery Symbol' in a txt file, of course, it will fail due to wrong filetype.
" With the following option set to 1, ':CodeQuery Text' will be automatically sent when your query fails.
let g:codequery_auto_switch_to_find_text_for_wrong_filetype = 0
#### Load Ctags File
" Set tags option
set tags=./javascript_tags;/
set tags+=./python_tags;/
set tags+=./ruby_tags;/
set tags+=./go_tags;/
set tags+=./java_tags;/
set tags+=./c_tags;/
#### Clean Ctags, Cscope ... Files by Languages
let g:codequery_enable_auto_clean_languages = ['python']
" It accpepts a list of your languages written in lowercase
#### Custom Database Building
" Make sure to generate a python.db or xxxx.db file as a result
let g:codequery_build_python_db_cmd = '...'
let g:codequery_build_javascript_db_cmd = '...'
let g:codequery_build_ruby_db_cmd = '...'
let g:codequery_build_go_db_cmd = '...'  
let g:codequery_build_java_db_cmd = '...'  
let g:codequery_build_c_db_cmd = '...'  
#### Others
" You can disable key binding within quickfix
let g:codequery_disable_qf_key_bindings = 1
" if your function usually begins with a capital letter ..., you can change your magic menu to a not-so-magic one
let g:codequery_enable_not_so_magic_menu = 1
## FAQ

#### Why writing this plugin?

> Because I need it.
> I already shared the story of making this plugin in local Python user groups [Taipei.py](http://www.meetup.com/Taipei-py/) and [Tainan.py](http://www.meetup.com/Tainan-py-Python-Tainan-User-Group/).  ;
> Slides are available here: [Taipei.py](http://www.slideshare.net/excusemejoe/joe-vim-plugin-taipeipy20160825) / [Tainan.py](http://www.slideshare.net/excusemejoe/vim-plugin-20160827) (Language: Traditional Chinese)
#### Why not using Ctags or Cscope directly?
> Read what @ruben2020 the author of CodeQuery said: [Link](https://github.com/ruben2020/codequery#how-is-it-different-from-cscope-and-ctags-what-are-the-advantages)  ;
> In addittion, vim-codequery provides:
> 1. Good interface.
> 2. Separated Database Management Mechanism.  
> (You can open as many projects as you wish in a single Vim session without worrying about messing up Ctags or Cscope files or getting wrong result!)
> for Vim users.
#### More Questions

> Ask [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gIvP9wrp1i3xLPDEKNVy76gUeYt1QkIUoqSvJDEbOfM/edit?usp=sharing) or create an issue.
## How to Contribute
#### Use It

> And give me [feedback](https://goo.gl/forms/9r8sOS6xTCBjNQEW2) or [bug report](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eSweAzJKYdzeNdTUVfhujEAOy1RHq1_bEBSX8DQ6xvA/edit?usp=sharing).

#### Fork It

> And give me PR. It would be better if you open an [issue](https://github.com/devjoe/vim-codequery/issues) and discuss with me before sending PR.
#### Star It

> If you like it. 👍
## Credits

Thank all for working on these great projects!

* [CodeQuery](https://github.com/ruben2020/codequery)
* [Starscope](https://github.com/eapache/starscope)
* [PyCscope](https://github.com/portante/pycscope)
* [Unite.vim](https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim)
* [dispatch.vim](https://github.com/tpope/vim-dispatch)
* [ack.vim](https://github.com/mileszs/ack.vim)
* [vim-addon-qf-layout](https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-qf-layout)
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-codequery-0.9.1.tar.gz 0.9.1 2016-11-01 7.4 Chun-Yu Tseng Initial upload
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