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coverage.vim : Show code coverage as signs

 script karma  Rating 0/6, Downloaded by 714  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Yulong Ruan
script type

Greatly inspired by vim-gitgutter

A vim plugin which shows code coverage like wallabyjs

requires vim8

See: https://github.com/ruanyl/coverage.vim


Plug 'ruanyl/coverage.vim'
How it works

This plugin uses vim8 new feature timer_start() to read the <coverage-*>.json in an interval. Whenver the file changed, it will update the signs of current buffer.

The plugin awares of signs from other plugins, for example: syntastic, ale ... But it will overwrite the signs of gitgutter.


Specify the path to coverage.json file relative to your current working directory.

Currently it supports istanbul json reporter nicely, and should also support istanbul based tools like nyc and karma-coverage:
let g:coverage_json_report_path = 'coverage/coverage.json'

Define the symbol display for covered lines:
let g:coverage_sign_covered = '⦿'

Define the interval time of updating the coverage lines:
let g:coverage_interval = 5000

MIT License
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
coverage.zip 0.1.0 2016-12-11 8.0 Yulong Ruan Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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