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gen_tags.vim : Async plugin for vim and neovim to ease the use of ctags/gtags

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created by
Jia Sui
script type
This plugin aim to simple the usage of ctags and gtags for Vim and NeoVim.
It is used for generate and maintain tags for you.

This plugin support both ctags and gtags(aka GNU global).

gen_tags.vim will detect git root and use it as the project root path.

Generate/Update ctags and gtags will run in background.
You can always get the latest version from https://github.com/jsfaint/gen_tags.vim
For more detail please read the README.md

Thanks for reading
install details
# Neobundle

Add NeoBundle 'jsfaint/gen_tags.vim' to your vimrc
Then launch vim and run :NeobundleCheck

# Vundle

Add Plugin 'jsfaint/gen_tags.vim' to your vimrc
Then launch vim and run :PluginInstall

# Traditional method

Unzip the zip file under your .vim (*nux) or vimfiles(windows) directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
gen_tags.vim-1.0.zip 1.0 2017-07-17 7.0 Jia Sui 1. Add help file
2. Add gtags source for ncm (optional)
3. Add option to specific ctags location
4. Add LICENSE file
5. Optimize source code
6. Restructure plugin
7. Fix known issues
gen_tags.vim-0.9.tar.gz 0.9 2017-03-31 7.0 Jia Sui 1. Cache the project root variable for further use.
2. Fix some warning reported by vint
3. Refactor code
4. Add auto generate feature when project is in a git repository.
5. Extend ctags database will be generate automatically after modify ext.conf
6. Remove some commands (GenAll, GenExt) and refactor gen_ctags.vim
7. Add verbose mode
8. Add two options to disable ctags/gtags support
gen_tags.vim-0.8.1.zip 0.8.1 2016-12-28 7.0 Jia Sui Fix neovim support, fix callback issue on vim8 when generate gtags
gen_tags.vim-0.8.zip 0.8 2016-12-20 7.0 Jia Sui Initial upload
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