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TagsMenu.zip : Creates a menu of all the tags in the current file.

 script karma  Rating 62/27, Downloaded by 2616  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Jay Dickon Glanville
script type
*TagsMenu.txt*   Plugin to add all known tags to a menu.

The following is a cut-and-paste of the TagsMenu help file that is packaged in the attached zip file.

PURPOSE                                             *TagsMenu-purpose*

This plugin will find all the tags in the current file, and make a menu of these tags.  Each menu item is a move command to that tag (not actually a :tag command, but a /unique search pattern/ to that tag).

REQUIREMENTS                                        *TagsMenu-requirements*

The only requirement for this plugin to work is that Exuberant Ctags (see |ctags|) version 5.x is installed somewhere in your path.  If you do have it installed but not in your path, you could also set the |TagsMenu_ctagsCommand| to explicitly point to your ctags installation.  No other external requirements are necessary.

INSTALLATION                                        *TagsMenu-installation*

To add the plugin, see the vim help on the subject |add-global-plugin| (:h add-global-plugin).  To add the accompanying help file, see the vim help on the subject |add-local-help|.

EXECUTION                                           *TagsMenu-execution*

Automatic execution:  the plugin will automaticly execute (depending on the value of the |TagsMenu_useAutoCommand| option) when a buffer is entered of a recognized filetype (see |TagsMenu-filetypes|).

Manual execution:  there are two ways to manually force the recalculation of the menu:
        - this mapping depends on the value of <leader> for your configuration.  By default it is ''.  See |mapleader|.
    menu Tags -> Rebuild Tags Menu
        - this will only appear if the tags menu has already been created.

REGOGNIZED FILETYPES                                *TagsMenu-filetypes*

The current list of recognized |filetypes| is limited to the list of types recognized by ctags.  These include: asm, awk, c, cpp, cxx, sh, cobol, eiffel, fortran, java, lisp, make, pascal, perl, php, python, rexx, ruby, scheme, tcl, and vim.

Version: 0.93
Author: Jay Dickon Glanville (plus others) <jayglanville at rogers.com>
Location: http://members.rogers.com/jayglanville/tagsmenu
Last Modified: 4 Dec 2001
install details
This is a Vim 6.0 plugin.  Therefore, it is only available to version 6.0 vim.  As a plugin, drop the TagsMenu.vim file into your personal plugin directory, and the TagsMenu.txt help file into your personal doc directory.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
TagsMenu.zip 0.93 2001-12-04 6.0 Jay Dickon Glanville - added ability to toggle options from the menu
- added ability to group by first character (this helps shorten long menu lists)
- minor internal changes that help solve some bugs

For full information, goto http://members.rogers.com/jayglanville/tagsmenu
TagsMenu.zip 0.91 2001-08-07 6.0 Jay Dickon Glanville Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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