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spotdiff.vim : A range and area selectable diffthis to compare partially

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created by
Rick Howe
script type
Vim provides diff mode which is useful to see differences between windows. However, it always shows the differences for entire line. And can not compare a sequence of words within a line, and sentences and paragraphs which are separated into several lines.

To compare partially everywhere in windows, this plugin provides two groups of commands, which are alternative to vim original :diffthis, :diffoff, and :diffupdate. One is for which allows to select a range of lines to be compared in diff mode. Another is for which allows to select the Visual area to be compared in non-diff normal mode. Both work independently in a tab page.

For details and demo samples, please visit the following git repository: https://github.com/rickhowe/spotdiff.vim
install details
Install 'rickhowe/spotdiff.vim' by using your plugin manager. Or manually unzip and copy all folders in your ~/.vim or ~/vimfiles.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
spotdiff5.2.zip 5.2 2024-06-23 8.2 Rick Howe Implemented to update the differences shortly after the text is changed.
spotdiff5.1.zip 5.1 2024-01-19 8.2 Rick Howe Added to open a temporary new window at left or right in :Diffthis command.
spotdiff5.0.zip 5.0 2023-03-26 8.2 Rick Howe Changed to support vim 8.2 and nvim 0.4.4 or later.
spotdiff4.5.zip 4.5 2022-10-28 8.0 Rick Howe Updated g:DiffUnit and g:DiffColors options to reflect those updated in the diffchar.vim 9.1.
spotdiff2.2.zip 2.2 2017-12-03 7.4 Rick Howe Added :Diffupdate command.
spotdiff1.0.zip 1.0 2017-01-06 7.4 Rick Howe Initial upload
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