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istanbul.vim : Visualize code coverage and summarize uncovered lines into quickfix

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script type
Visualize code coverage and summarize uncovered lines into quickfix by reading coverage.json

Currently, the following JSON output are confirmed:

- istanbul (https://www.npmjs.com/package/istanbul)
- nyc --report=json (https://www.npmjs.com/package/nyc)

100% Vim Script! Works on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS, including non-Python(-python) and non-Ruby(-ruby) environments.

The latest version and documentation can be found at https://github.com/retorillo/istanbul.vim
install details
Extract the contents of the zip files into your vim runtime path.

The preferred installation method is to use Pathogen, or some other similar plugin manager.

For Vim < 7.4.1304, must additionaly install json-ponyfill.vim

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
istanbul.vim.zip 1.3 2017-04-09 7.0 Retorillo - Support nyc output (coverage/coverage-final.json) and improve JSON search procedure
  - Many thanks: Anders Thøgersen (@aklt)
- Add option to use location-list instead of quickfix g:istanbul#store
- Add IstanbulToggle
- Improve and specialize IstanbulNext and IstanbulBack behaviors
- Add JSON cache to improve performance
- For Vim < 7.4.1304, to decode large JSON, use Python if possible, otherwise show progress bar (Require json-ponyfill.vim >= v1.1)
- Improve error message format
- Fix miscellaneous bugs
istanbul.vim.zip 1.2 2017-02-25 7.0 Retorillo - QuickFix is enabled from this version. Once InstanbulUpdate is invoked, can access coverage information from QuickFix commands like ":clist" and ":cn".
- Fix bug that IstanbulUpdate always remove all signs including non-current buffer.
istanbul.vim.zip 1.1 2017-01-21 7.0 Retorillo - Change to json-ponyfill.vim
- Remove keymaps to prevent confliction with CTRL-I (Go to newer cursor position)
istanbul.vim.zip 1.0 2017-01-13 7.0 Retorillo Initial upload
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