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doctabs : A plugin to manage large files

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created by
Janos Barbero
script type
DocTabs is like having screen/tmux for a single buffer. Vim already lets you manage different buffers very efficiently, but within a buffer you are limited to jumping by searches or tags. With DocTabs, however, you can organize a large file into sections, which you can visualize and jump between. Each section keeps its own editing view so you can jump back to where you were easily. The prefix-style switching should be familiar to screen/tmux users. The tabline is used to show all the sections and highlight the currently active one, hence the plugin's name.

This is useful for a wide range of scenarios: documentation, source code, HTML, project plans, todo or GTD files, reminder files, journals, novels, your ~/.vimrc, etc. The DocTabs plugin and documentation were both written using DocTabs.


install details
If you are using Pathogen, just clone the repo or unzip the package into ~/.vim/bundle, restart vim, and run :Helptags

If you are not using pathogen, unzip this package in your ~/.vim folder:
autoload/dtab.vim   ->  ~/.vim/autoload/dtab.vim
doc/doctabs.txt     ->  ~/.vim/doc/doctabs.txt
plugin/doctabs.vim  ->  ~/.vim/plugin/doctabs.vim

then run :helptags (notice the different case).

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
doctabs-0.9.zip 0.9 2017-05-05 7.3 Janos Barbero Pick up section changes sooner (on lines changing rather than on buffer write), allow spaces in section names by default
doctabs-0.8.zip 0.8 2017-03-27 7.3 Janos Barbero Allow user-specified keybinding prefix, analogous to screen's "escape ^A" or tmux's "set -g prefix C-a"
doctabs.zip 0.7 2017-03-14 7.3 Janos Barbero Allow alphanumeric labels (qwert...) to allow fast switching with more than 10 sections.
doctabs.zip 0.5.3 2017-03-14 7.3 Janos Barbero 0.5.3   Highlight section headings by default, only update section views when leaving a section via jump commands, minor bugfixes
doctabs.zip 0.4 2017-02-24 7.3 Janos Barbero Initial upload
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