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CurtineIncSw.vim : Easily toggle between *.c* and *.h* buffers.

 script karma  Rating 357/114, Downloaded by 1966  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Eric Curtin
script type
Some assumptions:

* The filenames of the header and body (implementation) are identical
except for the extension or the directory.
  - That is, foo.c -> foo.h is supported,
  - whereas  foo.c -> bar.h is not supported.
* The user opens files from the base of the repository. Or the other file is
  somewhere within the directory of the file you are opening or it's
* The repository contains both the header and body (implementation) files.

Based on these assumptions, you should not need to reconfigure when you switch
between repositories.

install details
## Installation
Copy CurtineIncSw.vim into your ~/.vim/plugin directory.
Or :source CurtineIncSw.vim to load it into your running session.

You can set a keyboard shortcut if you want by placing something like:

  map \<F5\> :call CurtineIncSw()\<CR\>

in your ~/.vimrc file.  Yes, the <CR> is literally there at the end
as the four characters shown.

Installing with Vundle

Add Plugin 'ericcurtin/CurtineIncSw.vim' to your your plugin definitions
in your .vimrc

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
CurtineIncSw.vim 0.4 2021-02-25 7.4 Eric Curtin Bugfixes from various contributors
CurtinIncSw.vim 0.3 2017-11-01 7.4 Eric Curtin Support inconsistent extensions. Also search recursively from path of opened file
CurtineIncSw.vim 0.2 2017-03-30 7.4 Eric Curtin Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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