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Multiplayer : Collaborative Editing

 script karma  Rating 15/6, Downloaded by 835  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Rolf Asmund
script type
This Vim plugin allows multiple players (users) to edit the same file at the
same time.
Install the plugin on one computer. Now all players should ssh into this
computer. If a player opens a file that is already open by another player
(there is a .swp-file), then that player is invited to join as multiplayer.
(press 'M'). Users can also explicitly connect and disconnect.
Each player can set some player specific options that are stored in a profile
and loaded the next time that player enters vim.
You can read other players registers, so you can put (paste) what an other
user has yanked (copied).
You can also read other players ':'-register and '/'-register, so you can
re-use thier ex-commands and search patterns.
You can jump to an other players location (file, line, column) or to an
other players last visual selection.
You can configure Multiplayer to follow other players in split windows if
they move out of your field of view. Either in the same file, or in to
an other file.
install details
Use Vundle or other Pathogen compatible package manager

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
multiplayer.vim.tar 0.9 2017-04-29 8.0 Rolf Asmund Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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