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ZFVimFoldBlock : fold code block using regexp

 script karma  Rating 18/6, Downloaded by 730  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
zero fighter
script type
fold code block using regexp, multiline supported, best fold plugin for general usage

git repo: https://github.com/ZSaberLv0/ZFVimFoldBlock


* see all virtual functions `:ZFFoldBlock //virtual/`


* filter out all comments `:ZFFoldBlock /^[ \t]*#//`


* fold by xml tags `:ZFFoldBlock /(?<=<[a-z =\"_0-9]+> *\n).*/<\/[a-z0-9_]+>/` (with `othree/eregex.vim`)

install details
1. use Vundle(https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim) or any other plugin manager is recommended

    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimFoldBlock'

    when `othree/eregex.vim` installed (recommended), perl style regexp would be used instead of vim style

    Plugin 'othree/eregex.vim'

    or, unzip and copy content to your vim's rtp ($HOME/.vim)

2. `foldmethod` must be set to `manual`

    set foldmethod = manual

    by default, `foldmethod` would be set to `manual` when `ZFFoldBlock` called,
    you may disable it by `let g:ZFVimFoldBlock_resetFoldmethodWhenUse=0`

3. `foldminlines` recommended set to `0`, which allow fold even for single line

    set foldminlines=0

4. recommended to have these key map:

    nnoremap ZB q::call ZF_FoldBlockTemplate()<cr>
    nnoremap ZF :ZFFoldBlock //<left>

5. or, use the functions directly:

    " fold by begin and end regexp
    :ZFFoldBlock /begin_regexp/end_regexp/

    " same as :ZFFoldBlock /regexp//
    :ZFFoldIfMatch regexp

    " same as :ZFFoldBlock //regexp/
    :ZFFoldIfNotMatch regexp

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
ZFVimFoldBlock.zip 1.0 2017-06-20 7.3 zero fighter Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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