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perl.vim : Perl compiler script

 script karma  Rating 172/82, Downloaded by 10737  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Lukas Zapletal
script type
This is compiler script that runs perl -Wc and parses all error and warnings. For more information how to use compilers in VIM read help.

This version has workaround with redirecting stderr on windows platform so it can run either on unixes or windows.

Enjoy. Lukas
install details
Just put in the $VIMRUNTIME/compiler directory and run :make.

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
perl.vim 1.1 2001-08-09 6.0 Lukas Zapletal I made a mistake so the script didn`t manage errors ending ', near "..."' correctly. Now it is fixed.

I know VIM 6.0 has tools/efm_perl.pl - but this is not working under Windows and it is slower (because perl is called twice).
perl.vim 1.0 2001-08-08 6.0 Lukas Zapletal Initial upload
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