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deline : A lightweight statusline plugin with construction functionality

 script karma  Rating 12/6, Downloaded by 2785  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Shuhei Kubota
script type
# Features

* A lightweight statusline definition
* With DSL -> statusline-expression library
  * Readable
  * Extensible
  * Dynamic evaluation added

# Examples

## Statusline definition

This is a default definition of statusline by Deline.

    call Deline([
        \ deline#comment("mode (define User2 and change to it by hl(2)"),
        \ deline#modeHL("User2"),
        \ deline#hl(2),
        \ deline#space(),
        \ deline#mode(),
        \ deline#space(),
        \ deline#comment("filepath and mod, readonly flags"),
        \ deline#hl(1), deline#space(),
        \ deline#hl(4),
        \ deline#readonly('[RO] ', ''),
        \ deline#modified('+ ', ''),
        \ deline#comment("v-- expand(%:p:h:t) / expand(%:p:t)"),
        \ deline#comment("deline#file(':p:h:t/:p:t'),"),
        \ deline#hl(3), deline#file(':p:h:t'), "/",
        \ deline#hl(1), deline#file(':p:t'),
        \ deline#space(),
        \ deline#hl(4), deline#notsaved(2),
        \ deline#rightalign(),
        \ deline#comment("\ deline#fileformat(),"),
        \ deline#dynamic#if("&fileformat!='unix'", deline#hl(4), deline#hl(1)),
        \ deline#fileformat(),
        \ deline#hl(1),
        \ deline#comment("v-- separator"),
        \ deline#space(), deline#hl(3), deline#bar(), deline#hl(1), deline#space(),
        \ deline#comment("\ deline#fileencoding(),"),
        \ deline#dynamic#if("&fileencoding!='utf-8'", deline#hl(4), deline#hl(1)),
        \ deline#fileencoding(),
        \ deline#hl(1),
        \ deline#space(), deline#hl(3), deline#bar(), deline#hl(1), deline#space(),
        \ deline#filetype(),
        \ deline#space(), deline#hl(3), deline#bar(), deline#hl(1), deline#space(),
        \ deline#line(), ":", deline#columnv(),
        \ deline#space(),
        \ ])

## Without default definition

To prevent Deline from overwriting statusline with Deline's default definition, add the line below in your vimrc.

    let g:Deline_DefaultDefinitions = 0

## Configuration

Call `DelineConfig`  to configure highlights and literals.

### Mode

This example defines COMMAND mode.

    " "mode_c" is ( "mode_" . mode() ).
    " "" is a string displayed in statusline.
    " "guifg", "guibg", ... is a part of highlight definition.
    augroup Deline_mysetting
        autocmd VimEnter * call DelineConfig({
            \ "mode_c": {
            \ "": " COMMAND ",
            \ "guifg": "#000000",
            \ "guibg": "#ffffff",
            \ },
            \ })
    augroup END

### Using example definition

    " diable Deline's defaults.
    let g:Deline_DefaultDefinitions = 0

    " call an example function.
    augroup Deline_mysetting
        " autocmd VimEnter * call deline#example#powerful()
        autocmd VimEnter * call deline#example#gradient()
    augroup END
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
deline.zip 0.12 2019-06-25 7.0 Shuhei Kubota x3 Faster display of file names.
deline.zip 0.11 2019-06-21 7.0 Shuhei Kubota speed tuning for examples (deline#example#xxx). experimental.
deline.zip 0.10 2019-06-20 7.0 Shuhei Kubota speed tuning for examples (deline#example#xxx). experimental.
deline.zip 0.9 2019-06-02 7.0 Shuhei Kubota add slicing in deline#file() ... :p:h:t[:2]
deline.zip 0.8 2019-05-27 7.0 Shuhei Kubota make a good color in defHLAdjFG
deline.zip 0.7 2019-05-27 7.0 Shuhei Kubota improve redrawing on call deline#example#xxx()
deline.zip 0.6 2019-05-26 7.0 Shuhei Kubota add examples (powerline-like, gradient color, ...), highlight manip functions, docs
deline.zip 0.5 2019-05-01 7.0 Shuhei Kubota update document, add deline#extra#weatherhacks(), somefuncs moved from deline#dynamic
deline.zip 0.4 2019-04-17 7.0 Shuhei Kubota change event and method to refresh statusline
deline.zip 0.3 2019-03-06 7.0 Shuhei Kubota improve deline#file over network
deline.zip 0.2 2019-03-04 7.0 Shuhei Kubota update a default definition, add deline#notsaved(), tune for speed of deline#file()
deline.zip 0.1 2019-02-24 7.0 Shuhei Kubota Initial upload
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