coc.nvim : Make your vim/neovim smart as VSCode
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0.0.81 |
2022-05-26 |
8.1 |
qiming zhao |
## What's Changed
Features in LSP 3.16 are now supported, including:
- Semantic Token support `:h coc-semantic-highlights`
- Call Hierarchy support `:h CocAction('showIncomingCalls')` `:h CocAction('showOutgoingCalls')`
- Linked Editing support `:h coc-preferences-enableLinkedEditing`
- Events for file operations (create, rename, delete)
- Change annotation support for text edits and file operations (create, rename, delete)
Other major changes:
- Tree view support `:h coc-tree`.
- Outline support `:h CocAction('showOutline')`.
- Notification support like VSCode `:h coc-notification` #3813
- InputBox and QuickPick support #3826
- Built in support for ultisnip snippet `:h coc-snippets` 8401279e3.
- Added snippet variables, same as VSCode.
- Completion reworked for performance 11dd878a e8628993 9de37e04 930c6dc0 4921e17d 4bf90719.
- Improved for workspace folder and workspace edit `:h coc-workspace` #3838
- Register and provide inlay hints (not available for language client) 3a26df0a.
- Add reverse option for CocList a9b22974.
- Highlight for deprecated and unused code df7a1d94.
- Add action `definitionHover` `:h CocAction('definitionHover')` c9009f21.
- Add models `BufferSync` `LinesTextDocument` `SemanticTokensBuilder`
- Add `TextInsert` event to handle user insert 8c42f40a.
- Add `floatConfig` to configure style of float window/popup eb47e40c.
- Code Lens renders above the line when possible by default ee2c44a0.
- Use `nvim_buf_set_text` to change text when possible 2c18827a.
- Refresh diagnostic list when diagnostic changed ca8ca2aa.
- Add `disabledFeatures` support for configure language servers a60702d0.
- Show disabled code actions in menu picker 27b709bd.
## Break changes
See #3530
**Full Changelog**: | |
0.0.73 |
2019-07-11 |
8.0 |
qiming zhao |
- fix(completion): fix map of number select
- fix(languages): fix cursor position with snippet
- fix(completion): fix cursor position with additionalTextEdits
- fix(position): fix rangeOverlap check #961
- fix(list): not change guicursor when it's empty
- fix(list): fix filter not work on loading
- fix(list): fix custom location list command not work
- fix(util): highlight & render on vim8
- fix(handler): fix getCommands
- fix(handler): not check lastInsert on trigger signatureHelp
- fix(handler): fix check of signature help trigger
- fix(language-client): configuration for configured server, closes #930
- fix(diagnostic): clear diagnostics on filetype change
- feat(plugin): add download & fetch modules
- feat(plugin): add highligher module
- feat(refactor): add `<Plug>(coc-refactor)` for refactor window
- feat(extension): use mv module for folder rename
- feat(extension): support install taged extension
- feat(extension): support custom extension root `g:coc_extension_root`
- feat(handler): close signature float window on ')'
- feat(list): support `g:coc_quickfix_open_command`
- feat(list): add eval action
- feat(list): add --tab list option
- feat(list): use highligher module for showHelp
- feat(terminal): add noa on window jump
- feat(terminal): support vim8
- feat(diagnostic): add diagnosticRelated support
- feat(diagnostic): use text properties on vim8
- feat(handler): improve signature float window
| |
0.0.70 |
2019-06-13 |
8.0 |
qiming zhao |
- feat(document): add getVar method
- fix(util): not break selection on message
- fix(workspace): fix jumpTo not work on vim8
- fix(completion): trigger completion with word character
- refactor(handler): return boolean result
- perf(workspace): improve jump performance
- fix(util): Escape filename for jump (#862)
- refactor(plugin): not show empty hover
- feat(outline): ignore callback function
- feat(workspace): support list of events with registerAutocmd
- fix(workspace): fix jump with tab drop
- refactor(language-client): change API of selectionRanges
| |
0.0.69 |
2019-06-10 |
8.0 |
qiming zhao |
- **Break change** `CocHighlightText` link to `CursorColumn` by default.
- **Break change** logger folder changed to `$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` when exists.
- Add `<PageUp>` and `<PageDown>` support for list, #825.
- Add function `coc#add_command()`.
- Add `disableDiagnostics` & `disableCompletion` to languageclient configuration.
- Add `signature.triggerSignatureWait` configuration.
- Add vim-repeat support for run command and quickfix.
- Add prefered `codeAction` support.
- Add `prompt.paste` action to list.
- Add title as argument support for `codeAction` action.
- Add `suggest.floatEnable` configuration.
- Add `editor.action.orgnizeImport` command.
- Add `:CocAction` and `:CocFix` commands.
- Add `codeActions` action.
- Fix issues with list.
| |
0.0.67 |
2019-05-30 |
8.0 |
qiming zhao |
- **New feature** load extensions from coc-extensions folder.
- Add `workspace.renameCurrentFile` command.
- Add `FloatBuffer`, `FloatFactory` and `Uri` to exports.
- Add `resolveItem` support to list.
- Fix prompt can't work when execute list action.
- Fix ansiparser for empty color ranges.
- Fix highlight only work with first 8 items.
| |
0.0.66 |
2019-04-29 |
8.0 |
qiming zhao |
Bug fixes, no need for vim-node-rpc and python on vim. | |
0.0.65 |
2019-04-10 |
8.0 |
qiming zhao |
Check out | |
0.0.64 |
2019-04-03 |
8.0 |
qiming zhao |
Initial upload |
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