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allfold : View selected lines by folding away the rest

 script karma  Rating 152/46, Downloaded by 2715  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Marion Berryman
script type
The allfold scripts implement a feature set which allows VIM users to view ALL interesting lines in a buffer and FOLD the rest away.  Lines are selected to be interesting in one of the two following ways:

1. They match a regular expression pattern.
2. They are in a block of lines delimited inclusively by a line that matches
   a beginning RE pattern and a line that matches an ending RE pattern.

Sets of lines matching different selection criteria can be combined using logical "and" and "or" operations. The selections may be inverted so that lines not matching the selection criteria are actually selected.

Beyond these basics other features do such things as manipulating lists of selection commands and using the raw selection "bit-map" directly to enhance the capabilities and ease of use of the scripts.
install details
See readme.txt in the package.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
allfold.tar.gz 0.6 2003-02-28 6.0 Marion Berryman Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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