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vim-highlighter : Highlight words and expressions

 script karma  Rating 48/18, Downloaded by 2010  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

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Highlighting keywords or lines can be useful when analyzing code, reviewing summaries,
and quickly comparing spellings. This plugin provides easy commands and shortcuts to
set and delete highlights, and additional features such as Move to Highlight, Save and Load,
Find Pattern, and Customize Colors.


    * Easy highlighting words under the cursor or pattern
    * Jump to Highlight
    * One Time Highlight
    * Following Highlight
    * Positional Highlight
    * Save & Load
    * Find in Files
    * Customizing Colors




    :h  Highlighter

install details
If you have a plugin manager, it would be handy to use it.

To install the plugin from the downloaded archive using Vim's built-in package feature, it may be
convenient to run the following commands using copy and paste from the downloaded location.

(Linux, Mac)
    mkdir -p "$PLUG"
    unzip -o -d "$PLUG"  vim-highlighter.zip
    vim -u NONE -c "helptags $PLUG/vim-highlighter/doc" -c q

      set PLUG="%USERPROFILE%/vimfiles/pack/azabiong/start"
      mkdir %PLUG%
      unzip -o -d %PLUG%  vim-highlighter.zip
      vim -u NONE -c "helptags %PLUG%/vim-highlighter/doc" -c q

  In your vimrc:
       set  encoding=utf-8    " recommended for correct Unicode characters output


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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-highlighter.zip 1.63.3 2025-01-11 8.2 Azabiong Improve HiSearch() function
  :h HiSearch
vim-highlighter.zip 1.62 2024-07-22 8.2 Azabiong Add "Hi]" command to jump to highlights of the same color
  :h  Hi]
vim-highlighter.zip 1.58.4 2023-07-11 8.2 Azabiong Support "Positional Highlight" associated with a buffer
  :h  Hi-Pos
vim-highlighter.zip 1.50.2 2022-05-25 8.2 Azabiong Support jump to highlights
  :h  Hi-jump
vim-highlighter.zip 1.38 2022-03-17 8.2 Azabiong Add highlighting using expression  
  :Hi + pattern
vim-highlighter.zip 1.28 2021-08-27 8.0 Azabiong Add command mode <Tab> key completion
- grep long options, directory and file names
vim-highlighter.zip 1.25 2021-07-28 8.0 Azabiong Add commands - save, load highlights  
Improve "Find" window split location
vim-highlighter.zip 1.18 2021-07-05 8.0 Azabiong Support multiple -e --regexp option
Highlight line (visual mode)
vim-highlighter.zip 1.0 2021-05-08 8.0 Azabiong Initial upload
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