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Birdie : A Vim plugin that facilitates Verilog netlist tracing.

 script karma  Rating 9/3, Downloaded by 422  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
TK Lam
script type
Available commands

Commands should be invoked in the window showing the netlist.

Parse a Verilog netlist using the closed source parser:


:Parse just extracts the user-defined Verilog modules and instances; whereas :ParseAll extracts everything, and standard cells will be shown in the hierarchy.

Show the information of the module under the cursor:


Go to the definition of the module whose name matches with the given regular expression:

:GoToModule <module name regex, e.g. free.*dom>

Go to the declaration of the instance whose instance path matches with the given regular expression:

:GoToInstance <instance path regex, e.g. /top_module_name/path/to/instanc.*>

Extract the definition of a module and put it on a separate buffer/window:

:OneModule <module name regex, e.g. free.*dom>

Show the hierarchy of the design:


Source hosted at github: https://github.com/tklam/birdie
Demo .gif also available on github
Thanks a lot for using
install details
pip install hdlConverter

or you can install the Wheel file available on github.

Just :source the given vim_plugin/birdie.vim
This plugin works in x86_64 Linux only

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
birdie.zip 2.0 2024-02-28 7.0 TK Lam hdlConverter is used instead of the the proprietary parser.

The problem with the proprietary parser is that its data structures are not available in Python. As a result, communication between the proprietary parser and the Vim script is based on a big JSON file, which is extremely inefficient. Using hdlConverter boosts the overall performance significantly. This script now requries the user to install hdlConverter, though.
birdie.zip 1.2 2022-05-13 7.0 TK Lam - Support Python 3.10
- Print instance path before module name
birdie.zip 1.1 2022-04-23 7.0 TK Lam Increased the parser's stack size so that it can process large netlists.
birdie.zip 1.0 2022-04-10 7.0 TK Lam Initial upload
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