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Vim is done : A Todo UI for vim

 script karma  Rating 9/5, Downloaded by 131  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Leo Fresnay
script type
Vim is done is a TODO List plugin for Vim

The plugin is essentially displaying a menu on your window to keep track of what you need to do, achieve.

It also saves what you did in the past as reminder.

There are maily 2 commands to 'Vim is done':

    - AddTODO()
    - Complete()

More commands will be added in the future.

For easier use, i recommand mapping these functions that you need to call:

    - nnoremap <F1> : call AddTODO()<CR>
    - nnoremap <F2> : call Complete()<CR>

When using AddTODO(), it will display a prompt where you can type whatever you want.
The Complete() function takes one argument which is the number of the TODO you finished.

    - call Complete(1) " If i want to complete the TODO n1

There is also a variable g:cookies which counts how many TODOs you finished.
If using the plugin airline, it will display it on the status line as 'cookies: {g:cookies}'

If any question or want to contribute to the plugin, my email is leo.fresnay@apyretechs.com, my github is @Apyre83 and my discord is LeoBis#2064
install details
If you don't already have, create the following folder:

    mkdir $HOME/.vim/plugged

Go to the folder using

    cd $HOME/.vim/plugged

If you are using the tar file:
    untar the file in your $HOME/.vim/plugged using
        tar xvzf TODO.tar.gz (on ubuntu)

If you are using my github, just clone the following repo:
    git clone https://github.com/Apyre83/TODO.vim

Then, if you don't already have a $HOME/.vimrc file, create one using:
    touch $HOME/.vimrc

And start editing it using vim:
    vim $HOME/.vimrc

Then add the following line to it:
    source $HOME/.vim/plugged/TODO.vim/plugin/TODO.vim

And you will be able to use it !

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
TODO.tar.gz 1.0 2023-03-11 5.7 Leo Fresnay Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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