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vim-table : Edit tabular data with the ease of vim

 script karma  Rating 11/4, Downloaded by 125  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Phil Grunewald
script type
This vim plugin was created to simply lay out and edit tables.
For some reason spreadsheets have taken over and there wasn't
anything out there that brought the simplicity of vim editing
to tables. Visidata and Sc-im are powerful tools, but often I
just want to list information, without fancy spreadsheet tools.

Vim-table let's you

- size column widths
- conceal long lines
- move row, columns and cells around
- auto populate sequential numbers
- <ENTER> auto advances in rows or columns

install details
Download here or clone from:

Place the `vim-table` folder inside your vim `plugged` folder.

OR (neovim)

add this to `init.vim`:

  call plug#begin('$NVIM/plugged')
      Plug 'philgrunewald/vim-table'
  call plug#end()

where $NVIM is the location of your `plugged` folder. Then follow the :UpdateRemotePlugins procedures

OR (more manually)

Place the .vim files in their respective folders (`after/ftplugin`, `after/syntax`) and add the line in `ftdetect` to your .vimrc.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-table.zip 1.1 2023-04-23 7.0 Phil Grunewald Added functionality to insert the sum of a column (type `==` OR :Sum) or its average (:Avg) for all numerical values above the current row.
vim-table.zip 1.0 2023-04-21 7.0 Phil Grunewald Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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