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rpi-vim : Vim integration for emulated Raspberry PIs

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created by
Robert Di Pardo
script type
Designed for Docker-hosted RPi OS images, but suitable for any RPi with a running SSH server.
Source files are copied to the RPi with rsync and compiled with the native GCC toolchain.

Visit https://github.com/rdipardo/rpi-vim#readme for complete details

These configuration variables can be set in a '.env' file in your current working directory:

  Raspberry Pi OS version string
  Default: '2022-01-28-raspios-bullseye-arm64-lite'

  URL where 'OS_VERSION' is hosted
  Default: 'https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_lite_arm64/images/raspios_lite_arm64-2022-01-28'

  Model number of the board to virtualize
  Default: 'pi3'

Valid options are: 'pi1', 'pi2', 'pi3' or '' (empty).
If the model number is empty, and 'OS_VERSION' targets `armhf`,
the image is mounted to a virtual ARM Versatile board by default.


  User and host name of the RPi's SSH server
  Default: 'pi@localhost'

  Port number the RPi's SSH server is listening on
  Default: 5022

  Login password for 'SSH_HOST'
  Default: ''

  Additional options for the ssh client
  Default: ''

  Directory on the RPi where source files will be copied
  Default: '~'

A CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS or LDFLAGS variable can also be passed to the RPi's compiler by creating a '.cflags' file in the current working directory, e.g.,

  CFLAGS='-I/opt/vc/include -std=c11'
  LDFLAGS='-L/opt/vc/lib -lbcm_host'

:RPiRun             Default mapping: {Normal}<F7>

Execute the active buffer on the RPi.

:RPiCompile         Default mapping: {Normal}<F8>

Copy the active buffer to the RPi and compile it.

:RPiMake [{target}] Default mapping: {Normal}<F9>

If the working directory contains a Makefile, copy all source files to the RPi
and run `make` with the given {target}, if any.

If no Makefile exits, copy, compile and link all source files using the
'CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS' and 'LDFLAGS' variables in the user's '.cflags' file.

:RPiSetup  [{key_file_path}] [{key_file_password}]

Create a new SSH key file at {key_file_path} with {key_file_password} and copy
it to the RPi at 'SSH_HOST'. Also copy the plugin's required build scripts
after a successful connection is made. All parameters are optional.

:RPiBoot  [{image_file_directory}]

Search {image_file_directory} for an RPi OS image file matching 'OS_VERSION'
and mount it inside a Docker container.

If no {image_file_directory} is given, search the plugin's installation path.
If no image matching 'OS_VERSION' is found, try downloading it from 'OS_IMAGE_URL'.
install details
With Vim 8 or newer, copy the plugin source tree into Vim's 'packages' path:

  mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start
  git clone https://github.com/rdipardo/rpi-vim.git ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/rpi-vim

Visit https://github.com/rdipardo/rpi-vim#readme for instructions on using a third-party plugin manager

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
rpi-vim.1.2.1.tar.gz 1.2.1 2024-08-20 8.0 Robert Di Pardo * Improve fallback for runtime path resolution failures
* Customize the error message for Neovim
* Fix a logic error that could result in searching '/' for '.env' configuration files
rpi-vim.1.2.0.tar.gz 1.2.0 2023-11-06 8.0 Robert Di Pardo Adapt commands to Neovim's terminal protocol; support local '.env' and '.cflags' configurations
rpi-vim.1.1.1.tar.gz 1.1.1 2023-07-24 8.0 Robert Di Pardo Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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