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FixUp-GetLatestVimScripts : after/ plugin that fixes settings for stock GetLatestVimScripts.vim plugin

 script karma  Rating 4/1, Downloaded by 129  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Timothy Madden
script type
An after/ plugin that works as a patch, to setup paths and settings for the stock GetLastestVimScripts.vim plugin.

GetLatestVimScripts is a long time out-of-date plugin, that has always shiped with Vim, and is still in the oficiall documentation, to provide basic plugin management functions in Vim:
- download plugins listed in GetLatest/GetLatestVimScripts.dat file
- optionally auto-install or update plugins after download, if plugins are marked as such in the .dat file, or the author marks them as auto-installable

The stock plugin stopped working a long time ago, and it must have been never used since, because the hard-coded ! download URL Vim scripts has since changed, and the old one no longer works.

This patch plugin tries to fix the issues, as follows:
- add wrapper script around curl command, to replace the old URL with the new one
- add support to install vimball archives with the newer .vmb extension (transparently rename it to .vba instead)
- several fixes for Windows OS, where the stock plugin was likely never working:
         - add wrapper scripts for external tools like gunzip, bunzip2, unxz ... that internally invoke 7-zip
         - 7-zip is a requirement for this plugin on Windows
         - fix default values set by the plugin in global variables.
         - the default tar command provided by Windows may still be unable to unpack some archive types like .taz, .txz ...
           Instead, users should install a proper version of tar command and put it on PATH.
- open a new tab page the first time :GetLatestVimScripts command is used, to prevent some issues with the stock plugin
   during installation

There is no configuration and no command you need to run to use this plugin. You only install this plugin and then use the stock :GetLatestVimScripts (:GLVS) command, and the known fixes will be applied at auto-loading time of the old plugin.

On Linux you should run the main :GLVS command in an empty Vim window, to prevent other issues, resulting in E36 "Not enough room" (for new windows) in Vim.

Perl is needed for Linux, and PowerShell + 7-zip for Windows.

Beware GetLatestVimScripts only provides a very basic plugin management function, most users should use a more popular plugin manager instead, like Vundle, Plug or Pathogen....

After installation make sure the after/ subdirectory, under the local runtime directory, is appeneded to &runtimepath option. It should be there by default, but append it manually if needed, in the local vimrc file.

Note the current version of stock GetLastestVimScripts plugin provided by Vim is ahead of the online versions on vim.org and github. So for now do not use GLVS to update GLVS.
install details
Download and unpack the .bz2 archive.
Run Vim in the same directory as the extractied file:
    vim FixUp-GetLatestVimScripts.vmb
    :source %

Make sure ~/.vim/after (or ~\vimfiles\after on Windows) is appened to &runtimepath option. This should be the default anyway.

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Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
FixUp-GetLatestVimScript.vmb.bz2 0.1 2024-01-23 9.0 Timothy Madden Initial upload
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