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setpwsh : A Vim plugin to improve powershell integration.

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created by
Miguel Barro
script type
This package improves the powershell (core and desktop) integration as vim 'shell' using a set of scripts.

Repo: https://github.com/MiguelBarro/setpwsh

Having powershell core (windows or linux) or desktop available is a prerequisite.

There is only a single command:

    :SetPwsh [Desktop | FtpFromWsl | SshFromWsl]

This command will modify the 'shell' and related options to use the
powershell. It admits the following argument flags that are only meaningful in windows:

+ Desktop     Use powershell desktop instead of powershell core.
+ FtpFromWsl  Sets up netrw global options to rig wsl ftp.
+ SshFromWsl  Sets up netrw global options to rig wsl ssh & scp.

Usage examples:

:read !1..5 | \% { [char]($_+96) }

will fill the current buffer with:

1  a
2  b
3  c
4  d
5  e

Is possible to use filter commands to modify the buffer. The plugin allows creating powershell filters where the buffer input is translated into a powershell pipeline input. The $_ automatic variable will match each input line. For example in the above buffer doing:


will turn the buffer into:

1  -->a<--
2  -->b<--
3  -->c<--
2  -->d<--
5  -->e<--
install details
> Installation is as easy as sourcing the vimball file:
    :source setpwsh.vba
  so is uninstall:
    :RmVimball setpwsh.vba

> The github repo can be cloned direcly into the $VIMRUNTIME/pack directory as explained in matchit-install. Though using this approach many useless files in this repo will be installed too.

> Use getscript plugin to automatically download an update it. Update the local
  $VIMRUNTIME/GetLatest/GetLatestVimScripts.dat adding a line associated with this plugin.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
setpwsh.vmb 1.1.0 2024-10-06 8.0 Miguel Barro Solved emoji rendering issue on windows' gVim by forcing powershell binary to use utf8 on stdin/stdout pipes.
An environment variable has been introduced to allow the user to select pipe encoding (defaults to utf8).
setpwsh.vmb 1.0.1 2024-09-08 8.0 Miguel Barro AutoInstall support added.
To install :source the vimball file (setpwsh.vmb).
This simplifies update which is performed automatically whenever :GLVS is called.
setpwsh.vmb 1.0 2024-04-29 8.0 Miguel Barro Initial upload
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