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vim-obsidian-daily : A VIM Plugin for creating daily notes in your Obsidian vault

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A VIM Plugin to make a daily note in the obsidian vault
By default it creates a Daily folder inside the vault if it does not exist
and then creates a empty daily note with a name: YYYY-MM-DD.md

By default it gets the path of the first vault from Obsidian preferences
You can override this by setting $OBSIDIAN_PATH environment variable or with options


g:vault_path = path for your obsidian vault (optional)

g:daily_folder = 'Daily' path for the daily notes inside the vault

g:date_format = '%Y-%m-%d' format for the date, default YYYY-MM-DD

g:use_daily_folder = 1 use the above folder instead of direct path

g:use_wsl = 0 put this to 1 if you are running vim on wsl on windows


command Dailynote       create and open a new note

command Dailynotebuffer create and open daily note on buffer

command Removenote      remove note from the disk
install details
If you have Vundle:

To install the plugin, add the following line to your `.vimrc` file:
Plugin 'kuvaus/vim-obsidian-daily'

After adding the plugin, open Vim and execute the following commands:
:source %

Alternatively, you can source the plugin as one file:
:source /path/to/vim-obsidian-daily/vim-obsidian-daily.vim

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
vim-obsidian-daily-1.0.1.zip 1.0.1 2024-05-04 7.0 kuvaus Initial upload
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