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argonaut : Custom command argument parsing for Vim plugins & commands

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created by
Connor Shugg
script type
Argonaut is a Vim plugin that gives Vim scripts and plugin developers a simple, yet powerful interface to create and parse custom command-line arguments for Vim commands. It provides:

* A clean interface for building and parsing custom command arguments.
* Support for in-line shell command execution, vim command execution, and environment variable retrieval.
* Rich tab-completion support that auto-completes your custom arguments, file paths, environment variable names, etc.

Use Argonaut to construct fully custom command arguments, similar to the ones we all love on Linux command-line tools. Better yet, these custom command arguments can be *any* string you like. No need to always prefix your arguments with `-` or `--`; prefix it with `+`, `++`, `???`, `abcde`, or nothing at all. Whatever the case, Argonaut will parse it and provide you with a clean interface for querying the user's inputs to your Vim command.

A demonstration of Argonaut's usefulness, as well as documentation, can be found on the GitHub repository: https://github.com/cwshugg/argonaut.vim
install details
Simply use your favorite plugin manager to install Argonaut. For example, if you use Vundle, simply drop this into your .vimrc:

Plugin 'cwshugg/argonaut.vim'

Or, you can clone it manually:

$ git clone https://github.com/cwshugg/argonaut.vim ~/.vim/bundle/argonaut.vim

Once you have it installed, give the documentation a read - especially the quickstart guide. In Vim, execute the following:

:h argonaut
:h argonaut-quickstart

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
argonaut_v1.0.tar.gz 1.0 2024-07-27 7.0 Connor Shugg Initial upload
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