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diffunitsyntax : Highlight word or character based diff units in diff format

 script karma  Rating 4/5, Downloaded by 352  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Rick Howe
script type
This plugin finds and highlights word or character based changed/added/deleted diff units in a diff format, to make it possible to see the actual differences within a line. This plugin not only works as an additional vim syntax for diff format but also applies the intra-line diff unit highlighting on some popular git-related plugins.

For details and demo samples, please visit the following git repository: https://github.com/rickhowe/diffunitsyntax.
install details
Install 'rickhowe/diffunitsyntax' by using your plugin manager. Or manually unzip and copy all folders in your ~/.vim or ~/vimfiles

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
diffunitsyntax3.0.zip 3.0 2024-12-01 9.0 Rick Howe Made it possible to apply diff unit highlighting on several git-related plugins
diffunitsyntax2.0.zip 2.0 2024-10-21 9.0 Rick Howe Added to identify a file including diff indicators as one of diff formats.
diffunitsyntax1.3.zip 1.3 2024-10-11 9.0 Rick Howe Improved to show the previous and next character of a deleted diff unit in underline.
diffunitsyntax1.2.zip 1.2 2024-10-03 9.0 Rick Howe Made it faster to find corresponding changed lines to be compared.
diffunitsyntax1.1.zip 1.1 2024-09-21 9.0 Rick Howe Implemented to check events to dynamically update changed/added diff units.
diffunitsyntax1.0.zip 1.0 2024-09-07 9.0 Rick Howe Initial upload
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