vim-php-cs-fixer : Integration of PHP CS Fixer on Vim Editor
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0.1.0 |
2024-12-07 |
9.0 |
lin jialiang |
- remove g:phpCsFixerFixCacheDir: the temporary storage directory is now always `expand ('~/.vim-php-cs-fixer/temp')`
- add g:phpCsFixerIgnoreEnv: Set to true to allow normal working in case of PHP version incompatibility or lack of extensions
- fix: executing code formatting throws an exception if no file is specified
- update help doc | |
0.0.17 |
2024-12-06 |
9.0 |
lin jialiang |
update help doc | |
0.0.13 |
2024-11-30 |
9.0 |
lin jialiang |
- add Chinese help | |
0.0.12 |
2024-11-27 |
9.0 |
lin jialiang |
update readme and help | |
0.0.11 |
2024-11-26 |
9.0 |
lin jialiang |
*vim-php-cs-fixer* {Integration of PHP CS Fixer on Vim Editor}
Supports PHP CS Fixer command execution on directories or files
Note: The plug-in is implemented using `vim9script`, which requires vim9.0 or
above to support the plug-in.
1. Options.......................................|vim-php-cs-fixer-options|
1.1 PHP Path...................|phpCsFixerPhpPath|
1.2 php-cs-fixer Path..........|phpCsFixerPath|
1.3 --dry-run..................|phpCsFixerIsDryRun|
1.4 --verbose..................|phpCsFixerIsVerbose|
1.5 --rules....................|phpCsFixerRules|
1.6 fix cache directory........|phpCsFixerFixCacheDir|
2. global function...............................|vim-php-cs-fixer-def|
3. Mappings......................................|vim-php-cs-fixer-mappings|
1. Options *vim-php-cs-fixer-options*
1.1 PHP Path *phpCsFixerPhpPath*
Note: PHP interpreter path
default: `'php'`
example: `g:phpCsFixerPhpPath = expand('~/php')`
1.2 php-cs-fixer Path *phpCsFixerPath*
Note: PHP CS Fixer path(must)
default: `''`
example: `g:phpCsFixerPath = expand('~/php/php-cs-fixer-v3.phar')`
1.3 --dry-run *phpCsFixerIsDryRun*
Note: enable PHP CS Fixer option --dry-run
default: `false`
example: `g:phpCsFixerIsDryRun = true`
1.4 --verbose *phpCsFixerIsVerbose*
Note: enable PHP CS Fixer option --verbose
default: `false`
example: `g:phpCsFixerIsVerbose = true`
1.5 --rules *phpCsFixerRules*
Note: settings PHP CS Fixer option --rules
default: `'$PSR12'`
example: `g:phpCsFixerRules = '@PhpCsFixer'`
Common Rule Group: @PSR2,@PSR12,@PER-CS,@Symfony,@PhpCsFixer
1.6 temporary file storage directory *phpCsFixerFixCacheDir*
default: vim-php-cs-fixer path to temp plugin subdirectory
example: `g:phpCsFixerFixCacheDir = expand('~/.php-cs-fixer/vim-fix-cache')`
2. global function *vim-php-cs-fixer-def*
2.1 single file fix function *PhpCsFixerFixFile*
2.2 directory fix function *PhpCsFixerFixDir*
3. Mappings *vim-php-cs-fixer-mappings*
3.1 single fix file map *phpCsFixFileMap*
key bindings: `<leader>pcf`
Note: fix the directory where the current buffer file is located
or the label directory(php type file)
3.2 fix directory map *phpCsFixDirectoryMap*
key bindings: `<leader>pcd`
Note: fix current buffer file, filetype must be php, want to support
empty buffer fix, you need to manually set |phpCsFixerFixCacheDir|
If |phpCsFixerFixCacheDir| is not set correctly, the unsaved contents of the
buffer will not participate in the repair and will be discarded.
3.3 remap *phpCsFixRemap*
you can remap, for example:
`nnoremap <unique><silent><Leader>f <Plug>PhpCsFixerFixFile;`
`nnoremap <unique><silent><Leader>d <Plug>PhpCsFixerFixDir;`
Better mapping, if you have multiple code formatting tools, you can refer to
this way to write:
def g:RunCodeFormat()
# Prettier supports many file types, here you can add or delete file types
var prettierSupportTypes = [
var currentFiletype = &filetype
if currentFiletype == 'php'
execute 'call PhpCsFixerFixFile()'
elseif prettierSupportTypes->index(currentFiletype) != -1
execute 'Prettier'
nnoremap <silent><Leader>f :call g:RunCodeFormat()<CR>
| |
0.0.9 |
2024-11-22 |
9.0 |
lin jialiang |
performance optimization | |
0.0.8 |
2024-11-22 |
9.0 |
lin jialiang |
update readme or help | |
0.0.7 |
2024-11-22 |
9.0 |
lin jialiang |
update help | |
v0.0.5 |
2024-11-22 |
9.0 |
lin jialiang |
Fix shortcut key mapping error | |
0.0.2 |
2024-11-21 |
9.0 |
lin jialiang |
Initial upload |
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